
Tuis / Nuus / Die evolusie van blikhouers vir voedselverpakking

Die evolusie van blikhouers vir voedselverpakking

2020-01-12 hqt

Blikkieshouers vir voedselverpakking: evolusie van metaalhouers vir voedselverpakking


Vandag is al wat ons sien, blikhouers vir voedselverpakking. Dit was egter nie altyd die geval nie. Inteendeel, aanvanklik was daar verskillende soorte ander materiale wat vir voedselverpakking gebruik is. Ons is wel geneig om hierdie materiale nou en dan te sien, maar dit is nie so gewild soos die blikhouers nie.

The food packaging industry today has gone through several changes especially after the rise of metal packaging. Thanks to metal, industries can effortlessly do mass commercialization of the food products. They are able to increase shelf-life and enhance product quality.

There are several other benefits of using metal packaging. We will be discussing the evolution of metal containers, their benefits and other material used for food packaging. So, without any further delay, let us get started!



  • The beginning
  • 20th Century Metal Containers
  • Packaging materials other than Tin containers for Food Packaging
  • Opsomming


The beginning


Soos elke ander bedryf, het voedselverpakking ook verskeie keerpunte gehad. Hierdie keerpunte het die bedryf help vorm in wat ons vandag sien. Hierdie vooruitgang het natuurlik die algehele doeltreffendheid van die verpakking verbeter.

Die moderne verpakkingstegnieke word op elke moontlike manier verbeter en verbeter. Aanvanklik het mense nie die tegnologie gehad nie en was hulle ook nie vertroud met hierdie moderne tegnieke nie. Destyds, blikverpakking vir eksklusief.

Slegs die elite kon dit regtig geniet om 'n geskenk in metaalhouers te stuur en te ontvang. Dinge het egter nou gevorder. U kan eintlik blikhouers van 'n eersteklas klas teen 'n baie billike prys geniet. Daar is 'n drastiese afname in die prys, mits u dit via groothandelaars koop.

Kom ons fokus op hoe dit alles begin het en wat die keerpunte was.




Vroeë industriële verpakking


Right after the American and the French revolutions, we saw the advancement in the modern packaging industry.  The industry seemed to emerge like no other. The 19th century offered advancement in terms of technology and equipment.

It had a great impact on factory machinery, especially in the packaging industry. In the early 1800s, food industries were able to enjoy commercial food containers. They used a wide variety of materials including glass, pottery and tinplated iron to make these containers.

In 1813, the first commercial canning factory came into existence. The England based food factory-supplied canned fruits, meats, oysters, and vegetables. The idea of canned food was met with huge demand. People become a fan of it, thus the rise begins.

By the 1830s, decorated tinplated cans become the talk of the town. Several industries including the food industries used them for a wide range of products. In 1847, Allan Taylor was the first person to acquire the patent of the machine used for stamping cylindrical can ends.

Due to the popular demand, several others joined the business. Therefore, we saw rapid progress and development in terms of stamping machines. Likewise, in 1858, almost eleven years later, Ezra J. Warner, an American inventor came up with the idea of a can opener.

After winning the patent, the idea was introduced to the U.S. military. It became hugely popular among the military, especially during the Civil war.

In 1875, another revolutionary idea came into existence. The world saw the first tapered can. Can become important for canning sardines and corned beef. The demand and technological advancement resulted in the first automatic can making machine in the 1880s.

In 1899, we again saw a unique of out of the box packaging development. Aerosols acquire the patent, and it was awarded to Helbling and Petsch. With aerosols can technique, it was possible to store gaseous or liquid content under pressure inside a container. When sprayed, the content came out as fine mist.

A few decades later, came the contemporary version of aerosol cans.


Revolution of Meat Packaging


The meat industry in the United States of America was not as polished and firm as it is now. On the contrary, there were several loops holes and unsanitary conditions. In 1905, journalist Upton Sinclair wrote a book “the Jungle”. The book exposed the unsanitary conditions among the American meat packaging industry.

Although, it was a fictional novel, it acted as the key driver in revolutionizing the meat packaging industry. The book resulted in a Meat Inspection Act, later the pure food act and finally the drug act. This information literally became the backbone of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


20th Century Metal Containers


In the early 1900s, a consumer-based society was taking shape, thus people came up with several new intentions. In 1909, the west coast of America enjoyed tuna canning. Some years later, people were using continuous ovens to dry tinplate packages and ink.

In 1917, aspirins were given to people in pocket-sized cans. Bayer came up with this great idea. This lead to the beginning of coffee cans with key openings. Below, we did try to sum up the major food packaging development. These developments are prior to World War II.

  • Canned Spam came into business -1926
  • People saw the first electronic can opener- 1931
  • Krueger marked the first bear- 1935

In 1945, right after the world war, aerosol marketed their cans on a massive scale. Since manufacturers were searching for something reliable, especially after the Cold War era, they gave metal a shot. They test whether a metal container could survive a nuclear explosion and yet provide safe food.

The results turned out to be positive, this further enhanced the appeal of metal or tin containers for food packaging. Later in 1957, the manufacturer started to incorporate aluminum for metal can making. After a few years, we saw the first aluminum beer can, and then in 1962, companies came up with their first beverage can with a pull-tab.


Age of Sustainability


Met verloop van tyd het mense meer bedagsaam teenoor die omgewing begin raak. Die oorweging het gelei tot die bekendstelling van Earth Day in 1970. As gevolg van Earth Day het die vervaardiger meer gefokus op die gebruik van produkte wat maklik herwin kon word.

In werklikheid het hulle begin fokus op die herwinning van metaal, wat 'n effektiewe manier is. Hulle idee was om ag te slaan op die beginsels van volhoubaarheid. Vir hierdie doel het hulle liggewigblikke uitgevind, met minder materiale. Teen die middel van die tagtigerjare het aluminiumblikke uiters gewild geword vanweë hul robuustheid en lang raklewe. Daarbenewens was dit baie maklik om hierdie blikkies te herwin. Iets wat vervaardigers lankal probeer bereik het.

Die bekendstelling van 'n behoue ​​ring drankhouers was nog 'n volhoubaarheidsdoel geïnspireer deur innoverende konsepte. As die ring ongeskonde bly en nie afgebreek het nie, het dit die metaalmateriaal ongeskonde gehou en sodoende meer materiaal gehad om te herwin.

In die negentigerjare het ons ook gesien hoe die grootte verminder kan word met minder omtrekgroottes. Die idee was om dit doeltreffender en herwinbaar te maak. Dit is die toonbeeld van volhoubare verpakking.

Onder die metale was blik en aluminium die beste keuse tussen verbruikers, veral omdat hulle baie herwinbaar is. Daarbenewens is dit ook herbruikbaar. Blikkieshouers vir koekies word later gebruik om dinge soos drade, clips of speserye te stoor.

Their reusability and recyclability factor has made them the leading material in the food packaging food.  In addition, it is possible to bent and design these tin containers as per the consumer’s needs.  So, regardless of the shape or the size, you will be able to achieve your dream containers.





Packaging materials other than Tin containers for Food Packaging


We simply cannot deny the importance of packaging material in the food industry. It seems that they have become an essential part of the industry. The reason being, they offer to ensure ease of transport, the longer shelf life of the product and safety of it.

Also, packaging plays an important role in the business perspective. People are bound to buy your product if you come up with unique and productive packaging. Even if you sell your old product with new packaging, it surely will attract attention and increase leads.

Below, we have come up with some of the most common materials that the modern packaging industry uses.




Plastic is among the most common packaging material. Plastic offers several benefits. With plastic, you can effortlessly model it into any shape you like. Its lightness and versatility have improved vastly over the years, thus making it a lead choice for food packaging.

Plastic containers offer adequate mechanical strength and they have the ability to protect against the contamination of food. They offer robustness and safeguard the product to a great extent. The lower energy consumption and lower manufacturing cost have made plastic the leading packaging material.

However, modern studies show that plastic is not a very recyclable material. It is contributing largely towards the world pollution and global warming. Thus, it might not be an effective choice. After all, you would not like to contribute to global warming.




Metals including aluminum, steel, and tin are hugely popular for the preservation of canned foods and beverages. Among these, the most common are the tin-coated aluminum or steel cans. This is the best choice for foods that are sensitive to light.

Die ondeursigtige materiaal bied 'n uitstekende beskerming teen die lig. Blikkies is basies gemaak van staal met 'n laag tin. Die rede vir die laag is om beskerming te bied teen korrosie van staal. Dit is baie belangrik om produkte met 'n lae pH te beskerm.

Aluminium is nog 'n uitstekende metaal wat in die voedselverpakkingsbedryf gebruik word. Sy ligtheid en lae koste tesame met die uitstekende herwinningsvermoë maak dit 'n belangrike element vir verpakking. Dit bied dieselfde beskerming as staal, behalwe dat dit korrosiebestand is.

Om voedsel in 'n meer huishoudelike omgewing te bewaar, kan u aluminiumfoelie gebruik. Dit bestaan ​​uit lae gelamineerde aluminium. Die produk is uiters buigsaam en kan dus enige vorm aanneem wat u wil. Daarbenewens is dit ook uiters omgewingsvriendelik.




Glass is another great material for packaging. It is naturally impermeable to vapors and gasses. It is a complete neutral oxygen barrier especially when it encounters food. The only drawback is that glass is an extremely heave material, and you require a lot of energy to manufacture it. Thus, the spike in the manufacturing cost.

Another advantage of using glass material is that the product is very recyclable. You can use the containers repeatedly without any trouble. The food industry uses about 75 billion containers every year and the main uses including soft drinks, baby foods, juices, and wines.


Wood, Paper and Cardboard


Paper is an extremely lightweight, easy to use form of packaging. It is also extremely cheap to manufacture paper. However, it is not very robust. In fact, it is extremely sensitive to moisture. So, a good idea to use paper is to combine it with other forms of material including paraffin or plastic.

Cardboard, a combination of superimposed layers of paper, offers more robustness then paper. It is also more resistant to moisture than paper. We mostly see cardboard in the form of containers.

Today, manufacturers are paying close attention to health-related issues. They are working more towards environmental contribution, thus trying to use high recyclable materials for packaging of any form.


Lees meer oor: Biscuit Tin Manufacturers




Die evolusie van verpakkingstegnieke lei tot blikhouers vir voedselverpakking. Dit bied beter en betroubaarder resultate. Blik is een van die voorste materiale vir voedselverpakking, want dit bied robuustheid, langer rakleeftyd en buigsaamheid.

Produsente regoor die wêreld is 'n blikvanger vanweë die liggewig en maklike vervaardiging daarvan. Om van blikhouers van hoë gehalte te geniet, moet u natuurlik ook kontak maak met premium vervaardigers. Wat blikverpakking betref, sal u nie 'n beter vervaardiger as blikverpakking kry nie.

Tin-Packaging is 'n toonaangewende maatskappy wat wonderlike ontwerpe en vorms bied. Hulle gebruik moderne tegnieke en tegnologie om unieke idees uit die verpakking te vind. Hulle het 'n uitgebreide ervaring in die werk aan projekte van alle groottes.

You can reach out to them, and they will resolve all your packaging-related problems in no time.
