
Tuis / Nuus / Idee vir verpakking van blikkies

Idee vir verpakking van blikkies

2020-07-31 hoogty

Blikkiesverpakking: tegnieke en oplossings vir metaalverpakking

Produkverpakking is 'n dissipline vir grafiese ontwerp. Huur honderde ontwerpers aan wat daarop fokus om buitengewone verpakkingsontwerpe te skep om 'n sterk handelsmerk te bou. Daar was 'n tyd toe persoonlike blikdoosverpakking slegs gesien word as 'n manier om produkte te beskerm. Met veranderende markneigings en verbruikers se eise, het dit nou 'n manier geword om met klante te kommunikeer.

Doeltreffende idees vir professionele verpakking

Goed ontwerpte, persoonlike blikboksverpakking gee u handelsmerk meer professionaliteit. Beklemtoon u produkte vir u teikenklante en genereer meer verkope.

As u aantreklik is, kan u self praat en klante die regte keuse laat maak. Dit het die aanspreeklikheid van vervaardigers van verpakkingsblik verhoog. U moet al u kreatiwiteit gebruik om professionele verpakking te skep wat opvallend is van die kompetisie. Hier is 'n paar effektiewe idees wat u in hierdie verband kan help:

tin box packaging detail

Hou dit eenvoudig en maklik

Simplicity is the best idea to make product packaging boxes professional. By keeping things clear, customers tin can easily understand the basic details. Be creative when designing your tin box packaging and labels, but don't overdo it. Some brands have been found to lose their identity to be artistic or colorful. A customer does not have time to stop and read what a product is about. Therefore, wholesale product packaging should be designed so that customers can understand everything briefly. Keep it clean and simple to effectively highlight important information. The brand name must be clearly visible. Use appropriate colors and fonts that do not match the background. A simple implementation of your packaging design increases the likelihood of your product selection.

Include practicality

The practicality depends on the actual shape, size, and functionality of the packaging, not just the label or packaging. Custom tin box packaging companies that manage to develop a more practical solution tend to generate more sales. For example, there are several can packaging ideas that make it more useful. For example, you can use a folding can to take up less space, or you can drill the can so that customers can see through it. Similarly, introducing additional handles, inserts, or options that resemble small wholesale boxes is another effective way to make them more practical. Since each package is intended for a product, you must have a friendly relationship with that product.

Let's take the example of this customer-specific product packaging for Heinz Ketchup. Ketchup always caused a problem when delivered in a glass bottle. These plastic containers are not only safe to use, but are also built upside down so that customers can easily consume them to the end. This practical application of packaging design increased sales.

Be in line with market trends

Another effective idea for a professionally customized packaging design is to meet market trends. Businesses need to know what's on the market today. The best way to get customers' attention is to design their custom boxes for products accordingly. In this age of social media, various things create hype and quickly become trending. Stay up-to-date on these trends and integrate them into your packaging design. This helps increase product sales and leads you to attract hundreds of loyal customers. Let's take the example of these cosmetic boxes. Everything you know can tell what hype has triggered unboxing these days. With this trend, manufacturers have been working creatively to design these makeup boxes for a subscription. Products are elegantly placed inside to provide an experience that customers will remember forever.

Use transparency

Transparency gives your packaging a professional look. Regardless of whether you design wholesale window boxes, enter a die-cut pattern, or make your packaging completely transparent, this is an effective way to win the hearts of many customers. Many wholesale boxes contain a picture of the product they contain. Isn't it more professional if customers can see the real product instead of its image? This gives your packaging a more seductive appearance and makes it very attractive to everyone. Consider the example of these chocolate boxes with a large die-cut central pattern. Small chocolates are beautifully used in garnishes and offer customers an attractive appearance.

Offer authenticity

Originality and memorability are the focus of great brands and excellent packaging designs. When hundreds of similar products compete for customer service, the only way to distinguish your brand from others is to be authentic. It's about creativity and research and makes the brand more attractive to customers. This Colin Porter Bell packaging design is a good example of authenticity. Custom tin box packaging is based on realistic graphics that raise the visual standard across the industry.


The packaging business continues to develop worldwide and is expanding on a larger scale. The expansion of cardboard packaging and cartoons has been observed with the trend and technological change. A good system to collect material more safely is now being introduced and followed, and the delivery of the packaged product is critical. As everywhere, the packaging is important in Gladstone and Queensland. If you're not familiar with packaging and delivery yet and want more information, read here.

Before employees can start packing at Gladstone, they need to know what the packaging is, where to find the best supplier and more. This helps in finding the right idea to find and achieve a reliable goal.

What is the packaging?

Die verpakking is bekend as die wetenskap, kuns en tegnologie om die produk in te sluit of te beskerm vir verspreiding, berging, verkoop en daaropvolgende gebruik. Dit is 'n stelsel om produkte voor te berei vir vervoer, logistiek, verkope en uiteindelik die einde daarvan.

Verpakkings- en afleweringsredes.

Om 'n produk van een plek na 'n ander te lewer, het die behoefte begin om 'n produk te verpak. Hier is die doelwitte wat die beste rede vir verpakking bied.

  • Fisiese beskerming
  • Versperring
  • Veiligheid
  • Gerief
  • Gedeeltelike inspeksie
  • Bemarking
  • Aflewering van verpakking en papier

As u weet wat verpakking is, waarom en waarvoor dit gebruik word, moet u ook die verpakkingsmateriaal ken. Dit is 'n reeks produkte en verpakkingsmateriaal wat werk makliker en vloeiender maak met die beste sekuriteit. Die volgende materiale word gebruik vir verpakking en aflewering.

  • Karton van alle groottes
  • kleeflint
  • Borrelplastiek
  • Geskenkpapier
  • Nasiener
  • Hangslotte

Die gebruik van die regte verpakkingsmateriaal verpak die produk goed.
