
Tuis / Nuus / Belangrikheid van blikboks vir voedselverpakking

Belangrikheid van blikboks vir voedselverpakking

2020-01-07 hqt

Waarom 'n elegante, slim en robuuste blikboks vir verpakking gebruik?


Daar is geen beter manier om u produk te verpak as om dit in slim, goed ontwerpte, elegante en robuuste blikkies te verpak nie. Tin Box-verpakking bied eindelose voordele, en miskien is dit die rede dat mense dit al eeue lank gebruik.

The history of Tin Box packaging dates decades back, its robustness and effective makes it the first choice for a wide variety of industries around the globe. Since you can manipulate tin plates as per your need, thus you can come up with any size, shape, and design.

Although, we more commonly tend to see a square, rectangle or cylindrical boxes, but it is possible to come up with any shape. The technological advancement in the tin packaging industry makes it possible to design unique and out of the box, tin packaging.

Tin Box packaging has a great impact on the food industry. The idea of preserving the food in smart and elegant containers further enhances its appeal. We truly understand why tin packaging is imperative for the food industry.

In case, you still have your doubts, simply read on. We plan to present you with a complete guide on why tin is an excellent material for food packaging and what are its technical requirements.





Consumer Satisfaction

 Feedback is important

Non-corrosive products

Technical Requirements





When you choose a well-designed and high-quality packaging products, it is bound to have a positive impact on your business. We can guarantee you that the right packaging technique assures your business prosperity.

Of course, choosing the right packaging manufacturer is imperative to end a high-quality end-product. After all, it is not possible to have a strong tree without a strong basis. Unlike, many manufacturers that claim to meet the high industry standard, Tin-Packaging, deliver what they promise.

They have specialized in industrial, retail and food packaging.  They provide you the opportunity to design your own food packaging. At the same time, they present you with a wide range of designs for your product packaging.

They firmly believe in delivering quality and for that, they would give in their one hundred percent. They understand the value of packing foods in tin boxes that are robust, offer longer shelf life and hygiene.

The firm does firmly believe that with tin packaging and state of the art equipment, the sky is the limit. So, do not let anything hold you back and enjoy the outstanding perks of having a tin packaging.





Consumer Satisfaction


The main objective of having a customized tin packaging is to offer consumer satisfaction. Of course, when a client finds your food packaging interesting, he or she is bound to buy it. In most cases, they will save those tin box packaging and utilize them in any other form.

Similarly, the food industries investing in tin box packaging are always in search of something different. They want to ensure that the product they choose offers customer satisfaction. Therefore, the packaging consumer needs to understand the importance of spending quality time on the design of the product.

Instead of making quick cash, they need to do proper research on how a certain type of packaging will propel their consumer’s food business. They should guarantee the satisfaction of their respected clients with their elegant merchandised tin containers.


Feedback is imperative


For any business, feedback is critical. Having feedback, both negative and positive, helps a business grow. The same is the case with the tin packaging food industry. When a client provides feedback, the manufacturer is able to identify its strengths as well as pinpoint its weakness.

Tin-packaging completely believes in taking feedback. They offer the facility to their consumers to provide both negative as well as positive feedback. If a client is not content with their services or product, they can reach out to the company’s representative.

The skilled and knowledgeable representatives will resolve their issue in no time.  After all the objective of the company is to ensure that, the client is satisfied with their product and services. They want to ensure that their consumer thoroughly enjoys their product and services.


Non-corrosive tin boxes


Food is an important part of our lives; therefore, its packaging should offer an extreme level of hygiene. To ensure hygiene, you need to use only the best quality of tin packaging. It is important to ensure that the packaging manufacturer provides a series of test offer high-quality tin box packaging for the food items. Their experts should make sure that the containers are not corrosive or acidic in any way.

The containers should not rust and do not have decay or putrefaction.  There are not many manufacturers that consider these quality standards.Tin-packaging, on the other hand, ensures that their food cans are perfect in every way.

Hulle werk hard daaraan om houers van hoë gehalte te bewerkstellig en 'n positiewe uitwerking op die verbruiker te hê. Blikverpakking beloof om eindprodukte van hoë gehalte te lewer. Hulle verseker dat wanneer verbruikers vinnig na u produk wil kies, hulle seker is dat hulle die hoë standaarde van 'n gesonde lewenswyse op alle moontlike maniere sal kry.


Kenmerke van blikkies


Hieronder het ons die belangrike kenmerke van houers vir blikkies verpak.

  • Dit bied veilige hantering vir verbruikers
  • Kliënte kan kwaliteit tekstuur en vergelyking geniet
  • Bied duursaamheid
  • Hou 'n langdurige beroep
  • Skoonmaak is eenvoudig en moeiteloos
  • Bied 'n wye verskeidenheid groottes en vorms, met behoud van hoë gehalte


Tegniese vereiste van blikverpakking


Soos enige ander bedryf, het selfs die blikverpakkingsbedrywe 'n vaste standaard van sertifisering. 'N Goeie vervaardiger sal altyd aan hierdie standaarde voldoen. Vir 'n effektiewe voedselvervaardiger moet u verder gaan as bemarkingsoorwegings, etiketteringsoorwegings en verbruikersappèl.

Wat belangriker is, is om die tegniese oorwegings en voedingstevredenheid deeglik in ag te neem. Die vervaardiger is geneig om veral te fokus op die ontwikkeling van die mees higiëniese voedselverpakking. Hulle moet tyd, geld en energie belê om met hoëgehaltehouers vorendag te kom.

'N Goeie vervaardiger moet produkte bedink wat daarvoor spreek. In plaas daarvan om te beweer dat hulle uitstekende produkte aanbied, moet hulle produkte kwaliteit en grasie bied.


Tegniese oorweging


Tin containers represent quality and elegance. Good quality packaging should be able to illustrate its technical stance even from a distance. It should give the consumer the impression of standard and quality. After all, the first impression is often the last impression.

Your tin packaging should have all the important characteristics that help it qualify as the first choice for good packaging. High-end manufacturers like Tin-packaging, have experts on board. These experts ensure that the box has the following characteristic to its technical aspect.

  • The product packaging should be all rounded. It should be compatible with the processing of the product, the product itself and its storage conditions.
  • The packaging should be robust enough to withstand distribution and shipping. It should be able to keep the product safe during transportation.
  • Die verpakking moet nie roes nie. Dit moet langdurig wees.
  • Blikhouers moet nie verval nie.
  • Dit moet vry wees van chemikalieë
  • Vry van fisiese verkrummel en biologiese bronne van agteruitgang




Vir verbruikers is die kwaliteit van die produk een van die belangrikste dinge. Niks en ons herhaal ons self, niks stimuleer die kliënt meer as 'n hoë gehalte produk nie. Die borgstelling dat die produk net die beste bied, is die beste manier om al hul twyfel uit die weg te ruim.

Blikkiesverpakking ontwerp bokse wat kwaliteit van einde tot einde bied. Om eindprodukte van buite te lewer, gebruik hulle hoë gehalte grondstowwe. Hul grondstowwe ondersteun voedselverpakking op alle moontlike maniere. Hulle wil immers nooit hê dat hul verpakking 'n nadelige uitwerking op die verbruikers se gesondheid het nie.

Beskou die volgende funksies vir betroubare kosdosies


Rou materiaal


First and foremost, you need to pay close heed to the type of raw material you are planning to use for your packaging. It can be glass, plastic or metal. As a leading packaging company, we offer a wide range of raw materials, but we always recommend our clients tin packaging.

You can use more than two materials, just make sure that the material that comes in contact with the food item should be tin. Tin packaging promises reliability and effectiveness.




The shape has a direct impact on how consumers perceive your product. Therefore, it is imperative to have the right shape. In addition to looking smart, the shape of the packaging should also be easy to maintain and transport.

The consumers should be able to store the tin boxes without trouble. They should be able to use them for other purposes as well.




Deksel speel 'n belangrike rol in die verlenging van die rakleeftyd van die produk. Dit is immers die dekselverantwoordelikheid om te voorkom dat alle soorte vuil en vog binnedring. As vog deur die deksel kan dring, sal dit die eetbare voedsel nadelig beïnvloed.

Dit is meer waarskynlik dat daar bakterieë binne die boks gevorm word, wat die voedselitem dus nutteloos maak. Dit is belangrik vir die vervaardiger om houers aan te bied met deksels wat perfek pas. Slegs op hierdie manier kan hulle produkte van hoë gehalte en langer raklewe bied.




In die hedendaagse wêreld moet die produk sowel as die verpakking omgewingsvriendelik wees. Daar is geen materiaal so omgewingsvriendelik soos blik nie. Dit dra nie by tot wêreldbesoedeling nie. In werklikheid is dit een van die min materiale wat honderd persent herwinbaar is.

Behalwe dat dit herwinbaar is, is dit ook moontlik om dieselfde blikhouers vir ander doeleindes te gebruik. U het byvoorbeeld 'n vierkantige sjokoladehouer gekoop. Nadat u die produk voltooi het, kan u die houer eenvoudig hergebruik vir die stoor van u haarbykomstighede.

Die herbruikingsfaktor is van die vernaamste redes waarom verbruikers vandag verkies om blikverpakking in plaas van plastiek of papier te hê.




Dit is moontlik om glas te herwin en dit lyk elegant en elegant. Dit het egter nie die robuustheid wat blikverpakking bied nie. Glas is 'n brose vorm van verpakking, dit kan maklik breek veral tydens vervoer.

Tinverpakking, inteendeel, bied baie sterkte. Dit verseker dat die produk daarin veilig is, selfs tydens moeilike omstandighede. Dit is nie moontlik om blikverpakking maklik te breek nie.




Oortuig is nog 'n faktor wat 'n verbruiker in 'n produk soek. Dit is maklik om 'n produk te dra; hy of sy sal dit beslis koop. Hulle wil immers iets hê wat die beste van albei wêrelde bied. Blikkies is een van die min materiale wat baie oortuigings sowel as robuustheid bied.

Om die geriefsfaktor verder te verbeter; vervaardigers is geneig om handvatsels by die bokse te gebruik. Dit maak dit baie maklik vir die verbruiker om die produk op te lig en te dra.




Net soos die kwaliteit van die produk, hou die voorkoms daarvan ook baie belang, veral in die voedselbedryf. Stel jou voor, jy verkoop pannekoeke en die verpakking daarvan lyk vuil en onrein. Dink u verbruikers sal die produk koop?

Ons kan u verseker dat hulle dit nie sal doen nie. Dit is iets eetbaar, dus moet die verpakking ook netjies en skoon wees. Verpakking is ook die perfekte manier om u boodskap aan u huidige en potensiële verbruikers oor te dra.

'N Elegante, elegante, maar tog gemaklike verpakking sal die verbruiker beslis lok. As hulle u produkverpakking hergebruik, adverteer u u produk indirek binne hul kring. Maak dus net seker dat verpakking terselfdertyd styl en robuustheid bied.




Lees meer oor: klein blikboksvervaardigers 

Neem weg


In die voedselindustrie is verbruikers altyd op soek na produkte wat veilige verpakking bied, soos blikkies. Hulle wil hê dat die voedsel moet bydra tot hul gesonde leefstyl. As u van plan is om saam met bevrore kos te gaan, wil hulle hê dat die kos skoon en natuurlik moet wees.

Hulle wil selfs hê dat die verpakking chemies-vry moet wees. Die kos binne is altyd in kontak met die verpakking. As daar 'n chemiese ontbinding in iets is, sal dit waarskynlik die produk binne beïnvloed.

Van die veiligste materiaal is blikborde. Blikkieshouers bied robuustheid en voorkom dat enige mengsel van ongewenste chemikalieë in die voedsel beland. Blikhouers het die vermoë om hitte te weerstaan ​​en die produk veilig te hou tydens vervoer.

Al met al is blikhouers die beste verpakking vir die voedselbedryf.
