
Tuis / Nuus / Verpakking van herbruikbare kannabisblikblik

Verpakking van herbruikbare kannabisblikblik

2020-06-22 hqt

Alles wat u moet weet oor die blikkie van cannabis

The packaging of cannabis tin box and selling it in the market of marijuana has been revolutionized by Honest Marijuana Company, a company founded by Anthony Franciosi. It leads to the field of the cultivation of cannabis. They have used eco-friendly means of packaging cannabis by using the boxes made of reusable tin. They used new cannabis tin box every time while packaging naturally grown and freshly cultivated eco-friendly cannabis to maintain its freshness for a long time.


Cannabis Tin Box

Though Honest Marijuana Company is not the only company that packages cannabis but most of the other companies packaging cannabis usually use disposable containers made of plastic instead of recyclable containers made of tin. The cannabis packaged by Honest Marijuana in recyclable tin boxes includes pure nitrogen to maintain freshness, quality, and integrity at a high level. The cannabis packaged in tin boxes remains in its purest form as its exposure to oxygen and light can deteriorate its condition as it gets a sound environment in the tin boxes. Moreover, tin cans used for packaging cannabis are resistant not only to light, humidity, and oxygen but also to the fluctuations in the temperatures. In this way, the cannabis tin box help in maintaining the fresh aroma of the terpenes of cannabis by not allowing them to give away any types of chemicals from it. The flowers of cannabis can be preserved for years in tin cans. Thus by introducing this innovative method of packaging cannabis, it is assumed that Anthony can encourage other companies producing and packaging cannabis to concentrate on the care and sustainability of the Earth.


Anthony Franciosi is the founder of a cannabis growing company, Honest Marijuana Company. He used healthier ways to grow the strains of cannabis to relieve the pain caused by sports injuries instead of ingesting pain killers which can increase the risk of becoming addicted to them. This company used organic nutrients like fish food and kelp while growing its cannabis plants so that they can develop a relationship with the nutrients naturally available in the soil so that the plants can get the nutrients required to grow faster and stronger like copper and iron.

According to Franciosi, he decided to cultivate completely natural marijuana as a full-time career to give holistic relief to pain after landscaping for many years and leaving his passion to live in a green environment. Initially, he focused on growing cannabis by using organic methods and without using any pesticide which, in his opinion, was the only method to produce high-quality cannabis.


Honest Marijuana Company het die beste manier om cannabisplante te voer, en kon die vermorsing van water in hul lande met minstens 5% verminder. Hulle het die beste gehalte sedimentfilters gebruik om skadelike elemente soos chloor en sedimente uit die rioolstelsel van die stad te hou, asook die water wat deur hulle voorsien word. Boonop het hulle 30% minder elektrisiteit verbruik deur 'n klimaatbeheerstelsel te gebruik wat gebaseer is op waterkoeling in plaas van 'n standaard HVAC-stelsel. Dit het hulle ook gehelp om 10% meer energie te bespaar deur die vermorsing van krag te beheer en dit weer in hul stelsel te gebruik. Hulle het ook 60-70% energie bespaar deur die buitelug in energie om te skakel as die temperatuur van die eksterne omgewing minder as 45 grade is.


Along with Honest Marijuana Company various other cannabis producers like Cannadip in Humboldt, California, etc are using cannabis tin box packaging for different reasons. Some of them used blikkies for packaging cannabis to make it child-resistant whereas some used it to protect from its exposure to oxidation, light, and moisture.


Cannadips, a marketer of cannabis pouches in Humboldt, California has used a cannabis tin box to make a child-resistant packaging system. The cannabis pouches marketed by them can be placed between the gum and cheek like people place chewing tobacco. It can be harmful if used by children. So to restrain children from using these pouches they started using tin boxes to package their cannabis pouches.

According to the founders of Cannadips, initially, they introduced CBD infused and cannabis-infused products in beautifully decorated tins into the market which increased the looks and quality of their products. Later on, the California administration changed the regulations and made it mandatory to use child-resistant packaging to package cannabis products. Then they order their supplier of tins to design child-resistant tin packaging to resemble the tins supplied by them earlier. Thus, the availability of beautiful child-resistant tins has enabled them to hit the market again with their wonderful cannabis products.

Due to an increase in development and sales of cannabis tin boxes, Mandel of CM Packaging, a tin supplier from Holland, partnered with Hoffmann Neopac of Switzerland. In fact, these new containers consisting of four main elements were designed by Hoffmann Neopac. The bottom and top of these boxes were made of a plate of tin steel. But between the bottom and top of these boxes, a polypropylene insert made from injection molding is inserted. These boxes look like the boxes you look in the applications used in the pharmaceutical industry because the inserts are threaded. This package can be opened just by pushing it down and turning the can which makes it difficult for the children to open it. That is why this is a child-resistant packaging.

The makers of these cannabis tin boxes are certified to make them according to the Federal Regulations Code. The specifications of the tins used by Cannadips include 19.3 mm tall stands and diameter 70 mm. They pack 20 products in each tin or 15 in each tin for the version of icrodose’. They have highlighted the tin with the design of embossed lines and their logo and offset printed graphics.


Honest Marijuana Company het nie net chemievrye en omgewingsvriendelike cannabisstamme gekweek nie, maar ook ongewone blikkieskaste gebruik om dit te verpak. Hulle het blikkies van voedselgraad gebruik om hierdie bokse te beskerm om nie net die aroma en varsheid van die stamme te beskerm nie, maar ook die gesondheid van hul gebruikers. Die maatskappy het volhoubare metaalblikkies uit die voedselbedryf getrek om hulle in 2016 bekend te stel aan die verpakking van sy cannabisstamme.

Die ontwerp van hierdie cannabis-blikkieskaste is baie ongewoon. Dit beskerm die stamme van dagga teen die skadelike effekte van vog en lig, tesame met vergruising as gevolg van druk. Hierdie verpakking beskerm die binnekant van produkte teen blootstelling aan suurstof deur dit hermeties te verseël. Voordat die deksels van die gevulde blikkies toegemaak word, word dit met stikstof gespoel sodat die materiaal in die blikkie nie beïnvloed kan word deur die temperatuurskommelings sowel as enige chemikalieë nie, en die integriteit en aroma daarvan veilig hou. Volgens hulle kan die blomme van cannabis jare lank in hierdie pakket bewaar word.

'N Agtste van 'n ons cannabis is verpak in een blikkie doos. Hierdie bokse kan weer toegemaak word, sodat 'n mens enige produk daarin kan stoor nadat hy cannabis verpak het. Nadat die etikette op die kissie verwyder is, kan die deksel en kissie herwin word.

Blikkisties gedagvaar deur eerlike marijuana maatskappy

In Colorado, waar Honest Marijuana Company geleë is, is dit wettig om dagga vir mediese en ontspanningsdoeleindes te gebruik. Die stigter van hierdie maatskappy het gedetailleerde inligting oor hierdie nuwe pakket verskaf. Volgens hom word die deksel en blikkie van die blikboks gemaak van voedselgraadblik in plaas van aluminium of staal met 'n blikbedekking. 'N Metaal deksel op die blik kan maklik oopgemaak word deur 'n ring te trek. Die pakket bevat 'n oorkap met 'n funksie van kinderbestand, sodat 'n mens dit weer veilig kan sluit nadat dit een keer oopgemaak is. Al die verpakkingsblikke is versier met twee etikette van papier. Een van hierdie etikette verskyn op die deksel en die ander op die blik. Hierdie etikette is gemaak van groen en voedselgraadse materiale sodat dit nie die proses van herwinning van die verpakking beïnvloed nie. Gewoonlik word etikette uit die verpakking verwyder voordat dit herwin word.

Hulle verbou 8 tot 12 soorte cannabisstamme. Al hierdie stamme word verpak in blikkies van cannabis wat deur hul verskaffer ontwerp is. Die hoofrede vir die keuse van blikkies vir die verpakking van cannabisstamme is dat dit varsheid hou, met stikstof gespoel kan word en beskerm kan word teen blootstelling aan suurstof, lig en vog. Enige beter manier om cannabisstamme te bewaar, is nog nie beskikbaar nie. Hul onderneming kan die ontwerp van die blikkies wat deur 2 Packaging voorsien word, aanpas soos nodig.

Herbruikbare CANNABIS-Blikkisties word om verskillende redes gebruik vir die verpakking van verskillende soorte cannabisprodukte. Alhoewel die hoofrede vir die gebruik van hierdie verpakkingsdose is om die cannabisstamme teen omgewingsveranderinge te beskerm en hul varsheid te behou, gebruik sommige ondernemings dit steeds om hul produkte teen kinders te beskerm. Alhoewel, medisinale en ontspanningsgebruik van cannabis in sommige state wettig is, maar dit is verbode vir kinders in byna al die state in die VSA.
