
الصفحة الرئيسية / أخبار / مورد الشموع بالجملة

مورد الشموع بالجملة

2020-06-18 هكت

واحدة من أفضل موردي شموع القصدير بالجملة

Beautiful candles make unique gifts for any occasion. Candles are often associated with romance and beauty. Many beautiful images are painted by the mere thought of a lighted candle shining in the endless night sky and can be used for personal or commercial purposes. You can even buy Wholesale Tin Candles or simple candles from various suppliers for your needs, if your task is related to it

Today we see so many types of candles that don't even look like candles! Candles can be made at home with just a few basic ingredients and a lot of imagination. Candles can be very exciting and fun. It can also be taken as a profession. Candles can have several patterns: votive candles, travel candles, column candles, family candles, container candles, decorative candles, floating candles, jars, tea candles, light candles and modern candles in beautiful shapes like flowers, animals, plants, people, celestial bodies and food among others. Exclusivity is the major element which is achieved through creativity.

wholesale tin candles

Making candlesticks is a relatively easy art, although it takes practice. Under proper guidance, even a child can make beautiful decorative candles. All that is needed is to melt the wax, add colored dyes or scented oils or other additives. The melted wax must be poured into containers or molds that contain wick. It usually takes one night to cool the wax. Most supplies are easily obtained from stores.

Making candlestick requires several materials, be it wicks, waxes, additives, fragrances, dyes and pigments, wax melting devices, molds, containers, conical equipment etc. These are many different types, for example, waxes may include palm, soy, or beeswax. Similarly, the cans can be pharmacy bottles, beehive bottles, knitting bottles, masonry / canning / gel bottles, tea cups, barrel bottles, cracker bottles, patio bottles, tiles and so on. Dyes are also of various types: dyes, colored chips, bright colored chips, pigment chips, colored blocks, pigment dyes, liquid candle dyes, powdered candle dyes and others. The gels are low density PLC, medium density CMP or high density CHP. The molds can be made of metal or plastic. They are usually shaped like trays. There are also several types of wicks: citronella wicks, ECO wicks, flat wicks, central wicks, tabbed and pre-wicks, square wicks, spool toxins, rolled toxins, zinc core and light tea wicks. Decorative accessories include glass yen, wax yen, natural yen, colored sand, glitter and so on.

Purchasing candle wholesale tin candles can allow for large cuts in the total cost of candle making supplies.

There are also many advantages to buying a candle container for personal purposes as well. One is that you buy a product that contains a candle and a container rolled up in one.

The wax formed will never be released due to the container. Therefore, no cleaning is necessary after burning a candle. In addition, the container allows the use of lower wax stains, which can spread the aroma over a larger area than a normal candle.

You can also buy these شموع القصدير بالجملة in various materials, such as glass or can. You can choose a normal transparent container or one with colored glass. Stained-glass containers are obviously more attractive visually, as they come in a beautiful variety of different colors. They are delicate, however, and need not be taken care of. After all, the material is glass.

You will also need to check the quality of the glass to ensure that it can withstand heat. There are some cheap imitations out there that are made of inferior glass material. Buying from a reputable manufacturer is the safest way to do it.

Tin candlesticks are also available. Tin as a material does not rust and lasts strongly. They are also inexpensive and able to store various items, such as candles, cosmetics and so on. Tin containers are made in a variety of different shapes and sizes, which can please any need you may have.

Some shapes, like stars and heart shapes, are very attractive. Some even offer the option of personalizing them by placing their own writing on the cover or on the outer layer. You can get them in simple silver or colored versions.

نوع آخر شائع من التعبئة والتغليف هو شموع الصويا. الشموع الموجودة على هذه الحوامل مصنوعة من شمع الصويا. يمكن أن يكون مكلفًا بعض الشيء ، وله نقطة انصهار منخفضة مقارنة بالشمع التقليدي ، لكن الرائحة الرائعة واللون الأخضر الطبيعي يجعلانه يستحق الثمن. كما أنها تدوم أكثر وتنتج كميات أقل من السخام.

تعتبر القوالب مهمة في لوازم صنع الشموع ، حيث إنها تصب الشمع المذاب فيها. تأتي في أنواع وأشكال وأحجام مختلفة. على الرغم من أن العبوات المصنوعة من القصدير والبلاستيك هي الأفضل ، إلا أن الزجاجة هي الحاوية الأكثر شيوعًا للشموع. يمكنك اللعب بالشموع عن طريق رسمها بالأشكال التي يتطلبها خيالك.


الفتيل هو مركز الشمعة. ينصح أيضًا بدليل الخوص للمبتدئين. سيحتفظون بالفتيل بدلاً من ذلك ويعملون كقاعدة للشمعة.

These supplies are easily obtainable from the nearest workshop. They are also available online. However a few dollars are usually added to ship your products or kits.

After getting all the necessary supplies, it is easy to make candles. Obviously you need to know and practice safety precautions. Be careful when heating your wax; hot wax can cause skin burns. In that case, apply ice cream on the affected area.

Candles can be used as gifts for your friends and loved ones. In addition to gifts, candles are also perfect mainstays for your Christmas table. But the best part of making your own candles is that you can make candles available all year round. Remember, candles are environmentally friendly and non-toxic candles.

يمكنك شراء شموع القصدير بالجملة بسهولة من خلال العديد من الخدمات المتوفرة عبر الإنترنت اليوم. بهذه الطريقة ، يمكنك الاختيار من بين العديد من الحاويات المختلفة ، ذات التصميمات والأشكال والأحجام الفريدة ، في راحة منزلك. يمكن رؤيتها ومقارنتها وطلبها عبر الإنترنت من خلال مواقع الويب الخاصة بمصنعي الشموع. هناك أيضًا موردون بالجملة للشموع لصنع الإمدادات. تقدم هذه المتاجر لوازم الشموع بأسعار مخفضة إذا تم شراؤها بكميات كبيرة. كما أنها توفر تكاليف شحن أقل. ومع ذلك ، هناك حد أدنى معين لشراء الشموع للإمدادات بكميات كبيرة.
