
الصفحة الرئيسية / أخبار / علب الصفيح المخصصة للبيع بالجملة هدايا صندوق علب الأسطورة الأكثر مبيعًا في عام 2019

علب الصفيح المخصصة للبيع بالجملة هدايا صندوق علب الأسطورة الأكثر مبيعًا في عام 2019

2019-12-09 هكت

الأشياء التي تجعلك تحبها مع علب علب مخصصة ومصممة حسب الطلب


جدول المحتويات


  1. تاريخ صندوق القصدير
  2. التنوع في علب العلب المخصصة
  3. الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية - رحلة نحو تغليف أغذية علب الصفيح
  4. ما هو صندوق القصدير؟
  5. ما هي الفئات الثلاث الشهيرة من علب الصفيح؟
  6. لماذا علب علب مخصصة تحظى بشعبية؟
  7. كم عدد أنواع صندوق القصدير المخصص هناك؟
  8. Why tin box packaging is famous?
  9. Why do people like customize tin box gifts?
  10. What are the different uses of custom tins box?
  11. How to buy a quality custom tin box wholesale?
  12. Which tin boxes are best for gifts?
  13. How can we save mother earth by using tins box?


  1. تاريخ صندوق القصدير

In the 19th century, custom tin boxes wholesale, personalized tins box, and bespoke tins box started the journey in the U.S.A. We can say it was the beginning of custom-made cans for the food storing and processing industry. Personalized tin lunch box and bespoke tin box manufacturer were in very little amount.

The biggest reason behind the tin box industry was its unique style and demand of the rich class. The use of tin box food was a symbol of a lavish lifestyle. Furthermore, the upper class of American society used to like to exchange custom tins box gifts.


So, we can say, it was the evaluation of can food industry that shaped into a proper business with the time. Although, it has been quite pricy in the past as only traders, and business class could afford it. On the other hand, more tin box manufacturing companies appeared. The price of can food started decreasing. There are various reasons also like:

  • The demand of stored fresh food
  • Innovation and uniqueness
  • Class competition

These were the main three reasons that compelled metal tins, investors, to invest a huge number of amount in manufacturing metal tin boxes for multiple purposes. Nowadays, people in the United States use custom tins box for the following purposes:

  • Personalized tin lunch box
  • Cosmetic industry
  • Food industry
  • Medical industry
  • Electronics industry


The diversity in custom tin boxes wholesale

هذه هي الصناعات الأكثر شعبية حيث أصبح استخدام علب الصفيح معيارًا. هذا هو السبب في أن الناس الآن يرغبون في طلب علب الصفيح المخصصة بالجملة والشخصية. إذا قمت بإجراء القليل من البحث حول هذا الموضوع ، فسوف تتعرف على مقدار التنوع الذي حدث في صناعة .


تحظى عبوات القصدير المخصصة بشعبية كبيرة في هذه الأيام حيث يحب الناس تبادل الهدايا في هذه العلب المعدنية الصغيرة الفخمة التي لا تشوبها شائبة. بعد ذلك ، يبحثون عن شركة علب صفيح أكثر إبداعًا وتقدمًا يمكنها تصميم وإنشاء صندوق قصدير مخصص للمناسبات الخاصة.

هناك سرد آخر أيضًا يصف كيف كانت صناعة الجملة المخصصة لصناديق القصدير تحظى بشعبية كبيرة خلال الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية.


الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية - رحلة نحو تغليف أغذية علب الصفيح


At the beginning of the article, we have discussed the evaluation of can food industry but here is another aspect also. Historians also think that the custom tins box wholesale industry could never be able to emerge if there were no civil war. Furthermore, they also raised a point that personalized tins box was not a symbol of richness but it was the need of the time.


During anarchy in the country, it was very difficult to find fresh food. So, these were local people who started using personalized tins lunch box.


Simultaneously, this technique became extremely popular across the country. For historians, metal tin boxes were expensive in the beginning. Because there was no real-time production on the industry level. Individuals were there who were preparing such items.

Later, when industrialists saw custom tins box wholesale bright future; they officially establish factories and manufacturing units. So, suddenly, the bespoke tin box manufacturer became popular. Prices became low, and now everyone could access to the food cans.


So, we have read a precise history of tin box development in USA including the factors involved in the expansion of custom tin box manufacturing. Now, we shall move towards the most popular questions about bestselling custom tins box gifts in 2019.


قراءة المزيد حول: Custom Tin Boxes


What is a tin box- tin boxes wholesale?


You might have seen small metal boxes around you in beautiful shapes with attractive printing. These metallic components are actually called tin boxes. Because these boxes are made of tin, so the metal follows its name.


In the modern era, as other products are being galvanized into new shapes, tin boxes are also setting up new trends. From minor to major industry the role of the tin box cannot be ignored. Nowadays, we have a range of custom tins box, personalized tins lunch box, bespoke tins box.


Moreover, the use of these boxes varies. Earlier, people used small metal tins to store food for a long period. The contemporary era has brought more uniqueness and innovation in this art. Tin box packaging has become one of the most popular ways of presenting gifts these days. You can imagine, the way society has changed the trends from a revolution started from civil war back in the 19th century.


ما هي الفئات الثلاث الشهيرة من علب الصفيح؟


Top 3 most popular custom-made tins are:



Similarly, we can also classify these main categories into subs. For instance,

  • Custom tin boxes wholesale
  • personalized tin lunch box
  • BESPOKE TINS BOX manufacturer


As I have mentioned earlier, the demand of people has changed the flow of ideas too. From individual to the commercial level, tin box industry has overwhelmed the market. Subsequently, what is more interesting the cheaper prices these tins boxes are available.


Currently, these categories are quite acceptable and appealing among every age. Just look at the way personalized tins lunch box are exposing creative beauty. You can say children are smart and creative too. They want a lunch box that is different in style. Moreover, it should be quoting child favorite lines. Thus, you can’t control the imagination and personalized tins lunch box is the best way to sooth your child's creativity.


Similarly, various functions and occasions come where you can offer someone a custom tins box. It can be a personalized tins box also. The appeal and charm these boxes provide, you will hardly see in any gift packaging. In some situations, you may find it hard to order favorite bespoke tins box. In this situation, you need to contact bespoke tins box manufacturer in your area. You can search the best bespoke tins box manufacturer near me online too.


Why custom tin boxes wholesale is popular?

It is the human psyche; he/she likes innovation in everything. A human being is creative. Just look at the time where we are living and compare it to the dark or stone age. It is a continuous human effort that compelled him/her to revolutionize the state of living. Everything has become materialized now. So is with the art.

Custom tin boxes wholesale has become an art now. It contains a lot of skills in it. From simple to modern, classic to exotic, you can seek a diverse range of custom tins box. Almost every industry is using state of the art custom tin box. Simultaneously, the cosmetics industry and food industry has given much appreciation to the bespoke tins box manufacturer. The reason is quite obvious. There is a huge influx of customer’s demand of cosmetics. So, people love to gift beauty items in custom tins box and bespoke tins box.

On the other hand, if you want to buy in bulk, you can contact a bespoke tins box manufacturer. There is another way too to buy custom tin boxes wholesale.

Buying custom tins box wholesale also brings multiple benefits. And the most prominent is the price factor. Individual buying will cost you much whereas commercial purchasing will secure your money. Subsequently, you can order a personalized tin lunch box also for the kids. You can gift them on a birthday or at any celebration.


كم عدد أنواع صندوق القصدير المخصص هناك؟


Customized tins box is available in the following categories:


  • Tins box for tobacco
  • Customized tin box for celebration
  • Personalized tin lunch box
  • Custom tin box for stationary items
  • Protein container
  • Tea tin box
  • Round tin box
  • Tins box for cosmetics
  • Spice container
  • Dry fruit container
  • Tins box for food items
  • Chocolate container
  • Tins box for gift items


There are many more categories also. The focal point is, how quickly Custom tin boxes wholesale, personalized tin lunch box, BESPOKE TINS BOX manufacturer fields are penetrating through our lifestyle.


Why tin box packaging is famous?


There is a famous quote, “dressing is the first impression”. The same quote rightly fits with the custom tins box. Why people around the world are liking personalized tins box because these boxes offer valuable and aesthetic art.

We love to own things that sooth our senses. And this is the truth that the production line of bespoke tins box manufacturer is increasing. They are delivering quality art printed on these boxes. Custom tins box packaging is delivering the art.

Now companies are hiring bespoke tins box manufacturer and custom tin boxes wholesale dealer. Since the choice and priority of consumers have changed, companies are also changing the way of product presentation.


Why do people like customize tin box gifts?


According to a leading bespoke tins box manufacturer, custom tins box has become a billion-dollar industry. The biggest reason is people's appreciation.

Since custom tin boxes wholesale market has revolutionized the marketing ideas, we have seen a great rift in user’s choice too. They are preferring to the gifts delivering variation. For instance, just take the example of a personalized tin lunch box; you will see an unlimited number of attractive tin lunch box designs.

On the other hand, this industry has also made it easy for people to buy a different and unique tin box packaging. In the past, we had a limited choice of buying gifts. But now, the growth of tins box customization has enabled people to craft anything in their style.


What are the different uses of custom tins box?

Tins boxe is a multirole component. But the personalized tin lunch box has a huge demand all over the world. It wouldn’t be wrong if we say a customized tin lunch box is the best gift for a child. Subsequently, there are also various ways these tin boxes are being used. As I have mentioned above, you can order and use them as per your needs. But especially, there are two major consumers of tins box:

  • Commercial
  • Domestic
On the commercial level it includes:
  • Bespoke tins box manufacturer
  • Personalized tin lunch box
  • Custom tin boxes wholesale

These are the three main categories which are fulfilling the needs of many other interconnected businesses.

Whereas domestic use of tins box include the following domains
  • Tin lunch boxes
  • Tin box crafting
  • Custom tins box packaging
  • Tins box gifts
  • Printing and crafting
  • Tin box recycling


How to buy a quality custom tin box wholesale?

If you are buying a tin box in bulk, you need to maintain a little research to find the best custom tin box wholesale company. I am sharing some basic dominant traits that you must find before making any deal.

  • Well finished products
  • Durable construction
  • Perfection to make your imagination into reality
  • Swift manufacturing

There are several online bespoke tins box manufacturer and custom tin boxes wholesale companies which can assist you in branding your imagination.


Which tin boxes are best for gifts?


custom tins box


أوصي دائمًا بصندوق علب مخصص للهدايا في هذه الفئة ، لديك خيار لصنع صندوق جذاب مثالي. بعد ذلك ، يعتمد الأمر على المناسبة أيضًا. على سبيل المثال ، لدينا عيد الميلاد المقبل ، وسيكون الجميع مشغولين بشراء هدايا فريدة لهذا الحدث الذي طال انتظاره.


لجلب نوع من الإثارة ، يتخذ الناس ترتيبات مجنونة. أود أن أقترح التخطيط لاختيارك.

يمكن أن يكون صندوقًا من قصدير الشوكولاتة ، وصندوق غداء من الصفيح المخصص ، وصندوق قصدير فواكه جافة ، وما إلى ذلك بمجرد أن تقرر الكمية الكبيرة من علب العلب المخصصة ، والخطوة التالية هي تحديد الإنفاق والتعبئة والطباعة للصندوق.

في هذه الحالة ، يمكنك استئجار خدمات شركة تصنيع علب الصفيح المخصصة للأفراد أو الشركات المصنعة حسب الطلب. إذا لم تكن واضحًا ما يجب طباعته ونوع عبوات علب الصفيح التي يجب أن تكون ، فيمكنك الاستعانة بشركة علب الصفيح المخصصة.

كيف ننقذ الأرض الأم باستخدام علب الصفيح؟  

علب الصفيح هي بديل رائع للبلاستيك. لأننا نعلم جميعًا مدى خطورة تأثير البلاستيك على الغلاف الجوي للأرض والحيوانات المائية. على الرغم من أن الأكياس البلاستيكية رخيصة الثمن ولكن على المدى الطويل ، فإن المواد البلاستيكية تزيد التلوث بمعدل ينذر بالخطر.

جعل استخدام علب الصفيح عملية إعادة التدوير سهلة. على سبيل المثال ، على المستوى التجاري ، يمكن أن ينتج عن إعادة تدوير علب العلب الكثير من المنتجات الأخرى. من ناحية أخرى ، هذه قابلة للتحلل أيضًا. لن تستغرق ورقة صندوق العلب الرفيعة وقتًا طويلاً مقارنة بأكياس البلاستيك الأقل جودة.

لذا ، ما يقترحه الخبراء لتثقيف الأطفال حول معدل التلوث المثير للقلق والعوامل الكامنة وراءه. هذا هو السبب في أن صندوق الغداء المصنوع من القصدير يزداد شعبية. في السابق ، كنا نرى في كل مكان مادة بلاستيكية لتخزين وحمل الطعام.
