
الصفحة الرئيسية / أخبار / أهمية تصميم العبوات لعلب الشاي بالجملة

أهمية تصميم العبوات لعلب الشاي بالجملة

2020-07-30 هكت

الصناديق عبارة عن حاويات ذات جدار واحد يتم تشكيلها بشكل أساسي بالتعليمات الرئوية على اللوح الخلفي ، قبل أن يتم تصميمها خصيصًا لتعبئة المنتجات المختلفة. تم استبدال اللوح الخلفي تدريجيًا بالفولاذ بدون قصدير ، مقوى بطبقة رقيقة لمنع الصدأ. باستثناء علب الطعام الحديثة ، تُستخدم الحاويات اليوم كأدوات تسويقية من أجل توفير صورة فاخرة للمحتوى ولا تخدم بالضرورة وظيفة التعبئة كثيرًا ، حيث توجد عدة خيارات في السوق. على الرغم من ذلك ، تتمتع أباريق الشاي بتاريخ طويل وتاريخ مثير يجب عليك أيضًا استكشافه.

العملية السابقة لعلبة الشاي

These first tea boxes were very expensive because the only practical procedure was by hand. People were able to mechanically hammer iron sheets and place them in a molten metal box. The resulting cloth was then immersed in a salt bath, where it created a warm atmosphere. Craftsmen with muscles and skills were therefore able to cut the various leaves at ideal ends and parts of the body. The bodies were hammered to death before the ends could be welded in place.

Through such a rigorous process, even the most experienced craftsman could make an average of ten boxes a day and nothing more. If there were special editions of these boxes, it could take more time and skill, which also means that the number of boxes produced daily, could significantly decrease.

Current tea box operation

Over time, however, mechanization was introduced, which helped to speed up all of these processes. In ancient times, boxes were used to store various items, such as tea, coffee, and chocolate. This is due to the hermetic seals that keep the products fresh and safe for human use. At the same time, the media ads did not appear; therefore, advertisers could use the boxes to advertise their products in the most colorful way possible.

Tea is one of the healthiest drinks, so it is always allowed to keep it in excellent condition. One of the best ways to store tea is to store it in an airtight container and protect it from moisture and light penetration.

This is exactly the concept behind the teapots: to seal and protect the tea against external elements that can affect its quality.

A tea box is basically a stainless steel tin, usually measuring 15 cm in height and 10 cm in diameter, where the tea is stored and sealed with a lid. Whether you like your tea on a large scale or in a bag, a tea tin is the unsurpassed preservation option.

wholesale tea tins-detail

Wholesale tea tins materials

Currently, wholesale tea tins are available in various models, shapes, materials, and sizes. Few are made of tin, despite the name. A new range of materials is used, such as porcelain, glass, and even wood. Some are round or octagonal in shape, where you can place loose tea leaves directly. Others have mini compartments with individual stamps inside the box for those who want to store their tea separately. Depending on how they are stored and how often the lid is opened, high-quality teas can be kept fresh for up to a year.

You will be surprised at the wide range of products available when buying wholesale tea tins. The attractive and sophisticated designs make it difficult to choose which one you want to go home with. Some are very expensive, priced up to hundreds of dollars, but if you want to agree to a much simpler tea box, there are many stores available or online that offer the same storage.

Other uses of tea tins

Now, if you think the slats are only meant for storing tea, think again. There are many more things you can do with an empty can than throw it in the trash. They come from all over the world and all countries where they have a unique design. That said, the tea boxes will make a wonderful decoration, such as centerpieces, vases, and colorful furniture. They can also be used to store other foods, such as cookies and pasta. If you have a home office, you can use them to hold pens and pencils. The ideas are endless.

There is an infinite number of products that invade the market, be it food or drink. The essence of the packaging is important for all products and consumables. Only when you pack it, the product is very attractive. If you look at the dining table in a large department store, you can see that there would be a special counter for sweets, snacks, and pretzels well decorated with special lights and other screens to attract customers. It would be particularly attractive to impressive young people, who are easily attracted by the vivid and vibrant colors and the design that is an important part of the package.

Packaging design

Wholesale tea tins are manufactured separately by companies that aim to design boxes for various purposes. These concerns are addressed by the food industry for various packaging needs. It is known that all products must be well packaged to reach the customer safely. To this is added another factor that makes the design very attractive to attract the attention not only of children but also of people who have purchasing power. Much research has been done to decide the concept, logo, and color included in the packaging.

Most fast-food restaurants have red interiors and red packaging material. Redness is believed to induce hunger, causing people to spend more on these food chains. Likewise, food packaging is very pleasant to create curiosity for the person interested in the product, whether it is about simple products such as coffee. Wholesale tea tins that are attractively packaged seem to have better standards than powdered coffee boxes that are not well packaged.

Tea tins quality

سواء كانت كعكات أو بسكويت أو عناصر أساسية مثل القهوة أو الشاي ، يجب أن يكون أي منتج للبيع معبأ جيدًا. نرى العديد من علب الشاي الجذابة الجميلة المتوفرة في المتاجر. هذه الصناديق قابلة لإعادة الاستخدام بشكل عام لأنها مصنوعة من البلاستيك أو علب الطعام الآمنة والصحية. تعد جودة علب الشاي بالجملة مهمة جدًا أيضًا ، حيث يجب إرسال المنتجات إلى عدة مواقع ويجب ألا يتلف المنتج قبل تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية المنتج.

في عالم التسويق هذا ، من المهم توفير علب شاي بالجملة عالية الجودة. إلى جانب ذلك ، هناك نفس القدر من الأهمية في تصميم العبوات وتقنيات التعبئة والتغليف. فقط عندما ينهار كل شيء ، يمكنك التأكد من أن لديك منتجًا بحركة سريعة في السوق.
