
Casa / / Noticias / / Las próximas tendencias de diseño de envases Custom Tin Box 2020

Las próximas tendencias de diseño de envases Custom Tin Box 2020

2020-08-03 hqt

Caja de hojalata personalizada: Las tendencias de diseño de envases de caja de hojalata | 2020

Cuando se trata de empaque, debe asegurarse de que su producto esté envuelto en el último diseño de caja de hojalata personalizada. Debe preguntarse cómo encontrar exactamente las últimas tendencias en diseño de hojalata. Has venido al lugar correcto.

Vamos a hablar sobre las últimas tendencias en diseño de estaño en 2020. La incorporación de estas tendencias mejoraría el atractivo general del empaque de su producto, lo que en consecuencia tendría un impacto positivo en las ventas de su producto.

Importancia de los diseños personalizados de cajas de hojalata

Si no cree que las cajas de hojalata personalizadas y mantenerse actualizado con respecto a las tendencias de empaque pueden ayudarlo, eche un vistazo a las latas de Coca Cola. Vea cómo han evolucionado con el tiempo. La cierta era tenía un cierto diseño asociado.

Una vez fuera de ese momento en particular, la empresa salió de él. Debido a su excelente y sorprendente empaque, personas de todo el mundo los reconocen incluso antes de leer la etiqueta. Por lo tanto, un excelente empaque tiende a dejar una impresión duradera en la mente del consumidor.

Podrían identificar el producto sin pasar por la molestia de leer los detalles o la etiqueta. Por lo tanto, para garantizar la eficacia de sus envases de hojalata, le recomendamos seguir las últimas tendencias.

Tendencias de diseño de cajas de hojalata

A continuación, presentamos algunas de las mejores diseño de cajas de hojalata de 2020.

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Diseño minimalista

La diferencia del arte moderno en términos de diseño y patrones de color. Es más hacia formas geométricas y abstracciones. El minimalismo es una forma de arte moderno. En lugar de tener un diseño concreto, hay simplicidad.

Se centraría en imágenes simples, un esquema de color simple pero elegante, y usaría el espacio negativo en exceso. Con todo, el objetivo del diseño es hacer que la caja de hojalata se vea moderna, elegante y limpia. El minimalismo es actualmente popular entre una serie de industrias, incluidas las cervezas artesanales.

Dado que la mayoría de las latas de cerveza son de colores vibrantes y diseños inteligentes, las empresas optaron por esta tendencia para destacar en el mercado. Puede elegir el minimalismo si planea transmitir modernidad, profesionalismo y un atractivo de estante para chicas.

Diseño Vintage

Sí, lo escuchaste bien, los diseños vintage están de moda. Sabemos que estos diseños juegan con su sentimiento favorito de color rosa, por lo que realmente nunca están desactualizados. No importa el tiempo o el producto, los diseños de diseño son la solución más segura y perfecta.

Dig through your draws are take out some classic designs. Add a little modern touch to it. For instance, incorporate a modern company logo, and you will enjoy remaking the innocence of Victorian advertising designs.

Regardless of the path, you walk on, vintage is always the safe option. It would highlight your brand’s longevity. Vintage is an excellent choice for a family-focused brand. After all, the vintage design depicts a warmth that works wonder for your product. It shows that your brand is committed and extremely professional.

In addition, your brand would go the extra mile to guarantee high-level customer satisfaction.

Ombre Design

The French word Ombre means Shaded. When we talk about design, ombre actually means the gradual blending of one color into the hue of the next. Ombre leaves a great impact especially when you incorporate that onto your custom tin box packaging.

The design has an air of sophistication and smartness. In most cases, ombre goes from light to dark, however, you can do it the other way round i.e. from dark to light. The ombre was initially popular with the nail art and the hairstyle industry.

But, now it seems that it has become popular in a couple of other industries including the packaging industry. It is the perfect way to add a sense of drama to your packaging and to make it stand out in the crowd.

Ombre in tin products allows you to enjoy a number of disguises. For instance, your blue faded color gives a look of the sky or the burnished copper finish. To add a rich sense of depth to your product, you can always use ombre as the background for designs or images.

A colorful, yet subtle background also enhances the product packaging appeal and help it become noticeable. Ombre also makes your packaging look high-quality. We highly recommend ombre tins to consumers who want their packaging to employ natural settings.

Another great thing is that you can enhance your vintage design with the help of an ombre effect. It helps creates a faux weathered, which works wonderfully with the vintage design.

Monochrome Design

There is no denying that monochrome designs are extremely professional and debonair. Therefore, they are becoming increasingly popular for custom tin boxes wholesale retailers. Products wrapped black in white would leave you stirred, without actually shaking them. The overedge look is bound to attract consumers in great numbers.

For years home décor, beauty products, and fashion brands have been using monochrome designs to stand out among their competitors. Thus, the idea has worked very well. Another creative idea is to use a neutral palette as it would indicate that it is possible to upcycle the packaging for your house.

To make your products look professional, sophisticated, and give an understanding impression, go with monochrome designs.

Allow Custom Tin Box Packing to Tell a Story

Designs are important, the color scheme is imperative, but don’t lose your focus when it comes to telling a story via your packaging. In 2020, your custom tin box packaging should be more than a well-designed packaging.

Only then will you be able to connect with your consumers. Allow your packaging to tell your brand story. After all, good packaging is a story that unveils itself as the consumer unboxes the product. For online, you would have to focus more on the packaging as it lacks the in-person store experience.

Although storytelling packaging is important for all-most all brands, it holds great importance for online products. Since eCommerce products lack the luxury of being experienced in person, therefore, the packaging should be telling everything about that.

It should form a connection with the consumer. So, make sure that you have the right kind of packaging intact. What more is that the branded packaging has become important especially for the subscription boxes. Here, the box it perhaps the only presentation of the brand. It tends to contain a number of products from other brands.

A Comprehensive Approach

In 2020, it is time for your brand to make a comprehensive approach towards the custom tin box packaging. They should be using the packaging and a medium to communicate with their clients and build a deeper connection. Something that would last for a long time.


Metamorphoses are the biggest packaging trends for this year. After all, with so much competition, several products, and numerous brands, standing out can be a bit challenging. To overcome this problem, people are reverting towards fascinating ideas and artful design.

Some of the greatest packaging designers say that having details in your illustration can really make the difference. It would show different transformations of the packaging, thus helping the brand to become unforgettable.

For instance, birds become fruits! This type of packaging not only effectively conveys the brand story, but they become an art object. Something you can keep or reuse whenever, where-ever you want.

Retro-Futurism for Custom Tin Box Packaging

You might consider retro-futurism as an oxymoron, but we can assure you that these two works really well together. They would provide you custom tin box packaging the over-the-edge feel. They have the ability to invoke feelings as well as anticipation and nostalgia.

2020 is the year that would allow the designers to explore their creativity. It would jump off from the current gradient trend to come up with packaging that incorporates the retro and futuristic design elements. They would be able to create designs that would be appealing the most of the audience.

So, expect a lot of bold gradients, neon colors along with the touch of retro design to join hands and produce some of the most amazing packaging you would have ever come across.

Blurred Images and Blurry Color

It seems that we have two popular trends of 2020 that emerged from the gradient trend, first is the retro-futurism, and second is the spotted gradient and blurs. If you want to give your custom tin box packaging an edgy and cool feel, we recommend using blurry color splotches.

This amazing 2020 trend will take the gradient trend to another level. Designers will be able to come up with abstract looks that would give the design a forward feel along with the cutting-edge impression. What more is that you might see an abstract gradient effect as designers are using blue images and gradient effects.

This amazing packaging is bound to attract the consumer in an effective and efficient manner.

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Take Away

Modern times require more than the traditional custom tin box packaging. Consumers are looking for in a product packaging, therefore, you need to keep yourself updated to ensure that you have a packaging that standouts, that tells a story and that makes a lasting impression.

Reach out to us today for your custom tin boxes for wholesale, and we will help you turn your dreamy packaging into a reality.
