
Huis / Nieuws / Fabrikanten van blikken dozen en groothandel in metalen blikken containers

Fabrikanten van blikken dozen en groothandel in metalen blikken containers

2020-06-08 hqt

fabrikanten van blikken dozen en groothandel in metalen blikken containers 2020

Fabrikanten van blikken dozen have become very popular around the world in recent years, especially in the UK. Many products come from tin manufacturers. These items include, but are not limited to, boxes of various sizes. Metal boxes of all possible shapes for all occasions, from Christmas to Valentine's Day. The companies that make these boxes offer them to wholesalers so that other retailers and customers can buy them. The boxes are designed and manufactured exclusively for commercial use. One of these commercial uses for cans is cookies, candy, cookies, cakes, CDs, tea, coffee, pencils, stationery, cigarettes, tobacco, sardines and fish products, spices and much more.

Tin box manufacturers

Consequently, tin-making units have become an important aspect of our way of life. We drink cold drinks, beer and many other things packed in cans. Tins have completely replaced glass bottles and the tin industry is making good profits. The global demand for cans is increasing exponentially. In companies, sports complexes and discotheques with glass bottles are now very rare. The cans are light, portable and elegant in the hands of people. Unlike glass bottles, cans do not break easily and the risk of injury is very low.

The manufacturing process

Tin is extracted from its alloys and refined for use by the public. The tin manufacturing process has no negative environmental impact and generates minimal waste. The best thing about the process is that it produces no environmental pollutants. The production of tin is likely to become even more popular as research is carried out to replace harmful elements like lead and mercury in batteries, electronics, and other similar products.

De kosten voor het produceren van een blikken container zijn erg laag in vergelijking met andere materialen, waardoor het in veel industrieën populair is. Zelfs op grote schaal worden industriële blikken containers gebruikt om goederen en vloeistoffen over lange afstanden te vervoeren. Het reageert niet met voedsel of vloeistoffen, het geeft geen giftige stoffen af ​​en het reageert nauwelijks op water en warmte, waardoor het een populaire keuze is voor industriëlen en eindgebruikers. Enkele van de meest voorkomende in blikproducten zijn lunchdozen, containers voor koude dranken, etuis en grote containers.

Tin box manufacturers can also make cans to order anything that requires a special unconventional shape for their business, possibly depth and even color. There are also cans for different occasions and holidays. With the steady increase in the rise of oil, petroleum products such as plastics are quickly becoming expensive. Tin offers an alternative to these wasted uses of natural resources.

In addition, tin is easier and cheaper to make and much healthier than plastic. Experts say that storing food in plastic containers can be harmful to your health because the chemicals in the plastic itself can contaminate your food. Tin offers a much simpler and more convenient way of storing items such as food. Tin containers can also keep the soil cool; Whether it's coffee or spices, a can is a great product for buying and marketing your products.

This is why tin production is actually the way of the future. Over time, tin production will further increase in the wholesale trade. So why not engage your business in this miracle of production now, while building your supply of tin could be fairly inexpensive?

If you stop and look around the next time, you're in business. Whether it's in a grocery store or a department store, you'll see more boxes than anything else. Even the toy industry has used boxes for ten years, placing interchangeable canned card games and marketing them for sale. It is an opportunity that no one can afford today. Why give your product a beautiful, clean, and clear appearance and a unique feeling with your custom tin box ?

De tinnen look wordt een revolutionair product om wereldwijde vervuiling te bestrijden en uiteindelijk van de aarde een betere plek te maken om te leven.

Gebeeldhouwde metaaltechnologie bij de productie van tin

De eerste aluminium blikjes kwamen op de markt in 1959. Deze overgang duurde lang, aangezien de eerste aluminium platen, zoals gezegd, in 1910 op de markt kwamen. Pas in het begin van de jaren vijftig werden aluminium blikjes ontworpen en uiteindelijk op de markt gebracht. in 1959.

After the invention and the successful improvement of boxes and manufacturing processes, there was still a task to be opened. Until 1866, the only viable method was to use a hammer and chisel to open these boxes. This is the year when the market saw for the first time a large wind metal tear strip. A more efficient opener was created nine years later. Other developments have modernized the opening mechanisms, although the openers are still very popular. It remained the most effective way to get content for the next 100 years. However, as technology has evolved, the pop-top box cover has been introduced, and, at this time, the most popular opening mechanism has tear-away tapes that can be opened and closed.

Over the days, there has been a gradual initiative to move from cans to aluminum and plastic containers. It is precisely for this reason that metal sculpture technology was introduced in 2008, with which companies can produce shaped boxes. As famous as companies like CM Tin Box in China, it can continue to be an integral part of human life. The company has been in the industry since 1986 and has designed more than 3,000 sets of tin can shapes, most of which are exported to different parts of the world.

tin box factory

Despite the introduction of simpler packaging mechanisms, such as collapsible tubes, the boxes are still available, although their functionality changes continuously over time. Due to the recent need for advertising and media advertising, they are now used more as promotional items and not necessarily as packaging strategies alone. Machine boxes are easy to make and can be easily labeled to convey the precise message that creates a feeling of purchase in the eyes of a potential customer.


De blikken zijn enkelwandige containers, die voornamelijk worden gevormd door pulsextrusie vanaf de achterplaat voordat ze speciaal ontwikkeld worden om diverse producten te verpakken. De achterplaat is geleidelijk vervangen door tinvrij staal, dat is verstevigd met een dunne coating om roest te voorkomen. Met uitzondering van jongere blikjes, worden blikjes tegenwoordig gebruikt als marketingtools, waardoor de inhoud een luxe uitstraling krijgt en niet noodzakelijk een groot deel van de verpakkingsfunctie vervult, aangezien er verschillende opties op de markt beschikbaar zijn.
