
Tuis / Nuus / Koekieskoekies in groothandel: Bêre die droë bulk materiaal

Koekieskoekies in groothandel: Bêre die droë bulk materiaal

2020-11-02 hqt

'N Definitiewe gids vir die stoor van koekies / koekies in blikkies

Koekiesblikke vir groothandelkoekies have become popular especially during special occasions and festivities. Throughout the article, you will encounter different ways to store wholesale biscuits cookie in tins.

First things’ first, you need to agree that there are right and wrong ways to store cookies. The ultimate blunder one can make is by storing all kinds of cookies and biscuits in all types of containers.

One needs to comprehend that Koekiesblikke vir groothandelkoekies is the most feasible choice. Piling one cookie on top of the other can result in an ultimate calamity. Storing all your cookies in a single container will ruin the shape, assemblage, and freshness of that batch.

Another mistake that we often make is by storing different types of cookies and biscuits in the same container; regardless of their texture.  What happens is that when different textured cookies are kept in the same container they affect each other’s consistency.

Koekiesblikke vir groothandelkoekies are here to prevent the ruination of your favorite cookies. Basically tin has humidity control qualities. It prevents external moisture from entering and retaining in the tin thus preventing the freshness of the cookies within.

Wholesale Biscuits Cookies Tins

Age has nothing to do when it comes to cookies. Where it is a particular favorite for children, adults get drawn towards its charms too. Koekiesblikke vir groothandelkoekies are an essential food item in any household. Especially during holidays and festivities, they become compulsory. Biscuits and cookies are not just food; it is a concrete description of your happiness in the shape of food.

wholesale biscuits cookie tins

Boonop smaak koekies fenomenaal, punt. En daarbenewens is die groot verskeidenheid vorms en geure 'n groot bron van aantrekkingskrag vir mense van alle ouderdomme en groottes. Dit is die enigste voedselaanvulling wat u in enige huis kry. Geen huis is volledig daarsonder nie.

Aangesien ons in 'n vinnige lewe leef, is daar dikwels nie tyd om elke dag nuwe hoeveelhede koekies te maak nie. Alhoewel varsgebakte koekies hemels kan wees, kan dit moeilik wees om daagliks nuwes te gebruik. Maar wat u kan doen, is om die koekies en koekies op te slaan sodat dit vars bly en nie deur eksterne elemente beïnvloed word nie.

Verouderde en pap koekies is moeilik en lastig om te eet. Onbehoorlike berging vernietig die smaak sowel as die voorkoms van die koekie. En om te kyk hoe om selfgemaakte koekies te vermors, kan pynlik en lastig wees. Maar u kan voorkom dat koekies verouderd raak. Al wat u hoef te doen is om die regte middele te vind om koekies / koekies op te slaan.

Koekiesblikke vir groothandelkoekies kan u verhoed om verouderde, pap en muwwe koekies te eet. In elk geval wie wil so 'n gemors eet? Gebruik dus koekieblikke om die beste uit u koekies te maak.

Verskillende soorte koekies

Soos vroeër genoem, is daar verskillende soorte, vorms, soorte, geure en bestanddele om koekies te maak. Sommige hou van harde mense, ander verkies dit sag. Daar is ook verskillende taai en pap koekies. Elkeen gebruik perfekte stoortegnieke om tekstuur en geur te behou.


  • Chewy Cookies: They are the kind of cookies that are soft and mushy. They are unaffected by moisture. Relatively speaking, they need moisture to remain in chewy texture. They often have solid flavors so it’s better to store them separately.
  • Crisp Cookies: These are the cookies that give a snapping crunchy sound when you eat them. They need to remain completely away from moisture to lock the freshness inside. Humidity can ruin crisp cookies.


wholesale biscuits cookie tins suppliers

Storage in Wholesale Biscuits Cookie Tins

When storing cookies and biscuits retaining flavor is not the only important feature. Storing cookies also involves keeping the texture of the cookies intact. Another problem is that when storing cookies that have solid flavors, they can affect the flavor of other cookies thus making all the cookies taste the same.

Gevolglik is Koekiesblikke vir groothandelkoekies  alledaagse probleemoplossers. Dit help om die oorspronklike eienskappe en geure van die koekie ongeskonde te hou. Dit is die ultieme langtermynoplossing vir die berging van droë grootmaat materiale soos koekies.

Duim reël wanneer koekies vir groothandelkoekies in blikkies geberg word

Die kleinste fout wat u kan maak as u koekies opberg, is om dit op te slaan as dit vars uit die oond kom. Laat die koekies altyd afkoel tot normale of kamertemperatuur voordat u dit in blikke bêre.

As u hierdie fout onbewus begaan, is dit moontlik dat u koekies pap word. As u warm koekies in die blik bêre, gee dit saamgeperste vog vry. Sodoende begin die vog in die houer ophoop, wat nie goed is om die koekies bros genoeg te hou om te eet nie.

Stoor koekies vir groothandelkoekies in lae

Nog 'n algemene fout by die berging van koekies is wanneer u dit laag maak. Dit verg 'n bietjie ekstra moeite van u kant af, maar dit kan u koekies bespaar. Maak die koekies altyd laag deur dit te deel. Gebruik was- of botterpapier om elkeen van mekaar te skei voordat u dit in die blikke bêre.

Op hierdie manier kan u die koekies red om nie aan mekaar te bind nie, dus behou hulle hul oorspronklike vorm. Daarbenewens is dit minder geneig om beskadig te word as gevolg van eksterne bewegings.

Hou verskillende soorte koekies in verskillende blikke

U kan sê dat dit die hoofreël is wanneer u koekies stoor. Moet nooit sagte en bros koekies in dieselfde blikhouer hou nie. Sagte koekies het klam taai eienskappe, terwyl dit belangrik is om skerp koekies vogvry te hou.

If combine both of them, it is possible soft cookies may diffuse their moisture and release it into the tin container. By doing this you will not only affect the crisp cookies but soft cookies too.

Use separate tin storage for storing each kind of cookie to avoid ruining them.

Sorting and Storing Wholesale Biscuits Cookie in Tins Flavor-wise

When you are storing cookies, consider sorting them flavor-wise too. Different flavors mean the use of different ingredients. It is possible that if you place different flavors in the same tin storage, they can affect each other.

Die gebruik van verskillende bestanddele beteken verskillende vogvlakke in die koekies. Dit kan die geur en tekstuur beïnvloed deur onnodige humiditeit te versprei. En as sommige koekies sterk geure het, kan u dieselfde smaak uit al die koekies kry, selfs al is dit 'n ander soort.

Wees dus selfversekerd om verskillende soorte koekies in aparte opbergbakke te stoor. Op hierdie manier kan u albei soorte koekies stoor.

Hou die varsheid ongeskonde

Daar is 'n klein truuk in die bakmoue. Hulle verklap dit dikwels nie. Maar dit is baie eenvoudig en tog uitvoerbaar sonder enige twyfel. As u koekies in blikopberging bêre, voeg 'n stukkie wit broodjie daarby.

Now the reason behind this is to lock the freshness within. It is a cheap method because it helps in absorbing the remaining moisture in the cookies if any. The piece of bread will soak up any humidity leaving the cookies dry and crisp.

This is a sustainable method because you can do this along as you want. All you have to do is replace the soggy bread with a new one. It is a great trick for tin storages without any time limitation.

Freezing groothandelkoekies in blikkies op te slaan

Freezing is a great feature that comes along with storing Wholesale Biscuits Cookie in tins. You can store your baked cookies in the freezer without a second thought. Since tins have durable sturdy qualities you can easily freeze them. Freezing cookie storage tins can also help keep large batches of cookies fresh and edible.

Hulle bied ruimte om groot en groot koekies saam te hou. En dit is maklik om te gebruik as dit buite die vrieskas is. Al wat u hoef te doen, is om die blikkie op normale kamertemperatuur te plaas. Dit sal help om die inhoud te ontdooi.

Na 'n paar minute sal die koekies gereed wees om te eet.

Ekonomiese manier om groothandelkoekies in blikkies op te slaan

Tesame met baie voordelige eienskappe van koekopbergblikke, het dit 'n belangrike pluspunt. Hulle is baie ekonomies sowel as omgewingsvriendelik. Hul bio-afbreekbare funksie maak dit 'n gewilde keuse as u kies om koekies te kies.

Omdat u kostevriendelik is, kan u groot hoeveelhede droë kommoditeite in blikke berg. Hulle kom ook in verskillende vorms en groottes voor. Deesdae is daar ook dekoratiewe blikke in die mark beskikbaar om vakansiekoekies aan u geliefdes te gee.


Storing cookies is a major dilemma when you have to store bulk batches of cookies and biscuits. But in storage for cookies has resolved this issue. They are a great way to store cookies without much-complicated techniques.

A few steps and you can easily have fresh cookies from your tin storage whenever you feel like it.  Make sure that you keep the above tricks and tips in mind to store bulk commodities like cookies to keep them crisp or chewy and flavorful.

Tin-Packaging  offers some of the greatest and safe ways to packs your cookies. We can assure you that our packaging would help enhance your product image and brand name. For more information, please Kontak Ons.
