
Tuis / Nuus / Die vervaardiging van die blikblik

Die vervaardiging van die blikblik

2020-07-31 hoogty

Tin is a common component. Something that tin is used for as often as possible is food holders. It is deeply impermeable to consumption and can cover various metals for safety reasons. One type of tin is used to prevent teeth from rotting. This type of tin is called tin fluoride. Tin fluoride is added to toothpaste as a fixation. Tin can also be combined with various objects. Something that tin is regularly bonded to is copper - tin and copper form a bond called bronze.

Tin has many different uses and a long history. Tin production is said to be 3500 BC. Chr. Took place prematurely. The place where the main box ended up being made was Turkey.

The manufacture of tin involves the extraction of tin from its metal, which is cassiterite. Several different materials are used during the manufacturing process, such as limestone, silica, and salt. The cassiterite metal is rinsed first to drive off the substance and physical devaluations. In this process, the metal is passed through a vibration chamber to evacuate physical and substance evaluation. After that, the mineral becomes increasingly focused through the expansion of some synthetic compounds. As the mineral becomes increasingly concentrated, it is transported to the top of the chamber from where it is collected.

Cassiterite is mined to make tin. This material is combined with various materials, such as carbon, silica, limestone, salt, and heating oil or coal. When tin is mined, tin is refined and processed. There is a method that is followed to make and process tin. The process relies on the source of the mined mineral.

tin can manufacturers


The initial phase of the tin manufacturing process is called mining. This is the place where tin can manufacturers find the stone and apply it using a floating excavation. Tin can manufacturers guide the stone through many screens that rotate and tables that tremble. This process is used to drive the tin out of the rock.

The subsequent progress is called the concentration of the mineral. The tin can manufacturers pass the metal through a few screens that dispose of some of the different materials. At this point, it is washed in a tank. Then they put the metal in a buoyancy tank and also contain some different particles so that the tin rises. At this point, they dry the metal and go through it again to evacuate more molecules.

After completing this process, the tin can manufacturers go through the can in a process called melting. You throw the can in a heater. There is either oil or coal in the heater. The can is heated until it turns into slag. At this point, the slag is placed in a subsequent heater. There is additional heating to expel contaminants from the connection.

Daar is dan 'n finale verhittingsvergadering om die blik wat aan yster gekoppel is, te herwin. Vanaf hierdie punt word die blik verkry deur 'n reeks verwarmers, waar dit verhit, gestoom word, en uiteindelik verfyn en geborrel word.

Blikproduksie en blikprodukte

Blikproduksie-aanlegte het 'n belangrike deel van ons lewenswyse geword. Ons drink koeldrank, brou en baie verskillende goed wat in blikkies gebind is. Blikkies het glasbottels heeltemal vervang, en die blikbedryf lewer aanvaarbare voordele. Die wêreldwye belangstelling in blikkies groei eksponensieel. In organisasies, sportgeboue en diskoteke is glasbottels tans buitengewoon ongewoon. Blikkies is lig, veelsydig en lyk a la mode vir individue. Blikkies wat nie soos glasbottels lyk nie, breek nie effektief nie en daar is gewoonlik buitengewone veiligheid teen beserings.

Die blikvervaardigingsproses behels die verkryging van tin uit die kombinasies en verfyning sodat dit geneig is om deur die algemene bevolking gebruik te word. Die blikmaakproses het geen antagonistiese natuurlike reaksies nie en lewer die minste afval. Die beste deel van die proses is dat dit geen ekologiese gif produseer nie. Blikproduksie sal waarskynlik al hoe meer bekend word, gegewe die voortdurende navorsing om onveilige komponente soos lood en kwik in batterye, elektroniese toestelle en ander sulke items te vervang.

Die vervaardigingskoste van 'n blikhouer is laag in vergelyking met verskillende materiale, wat dit in baie ondernemings hoofstroom maak. Selfs op groot skaal gebruik industriële blikhouers dit om goed en vloeistowwe oor lang afstande te vervoer. In reageer nie met voedsel of vloeistowwe nie, gee nie skadelike stowwe uit nie en is byna ongevoelig vir water en hitte. Dit is die algemene keuse van nyweraars en eindklante. Die meeste wat in blikitems gebruik word, is kosblikke , bondels koeldrank, potloodsakkies en groot houers vir gewere.


Op hierdie stadium word die blikkie onderwerp aan 'n proses wat smelt genoem word. In hierdie smeltproses word die gekonsentreerde blik met koolstof gemeng en in 'n verwarmer tot ongeveer 1400 grade Celsius verhit. Tydens hierdie genesingsproses word kalksteen en silika by die mengsel van tin en koolstof gevoeg. Dit word gedoen om verdere vuilheid in die blikkie uit te dryf.

Aan die einde van die smeltproses is die tin wat verkry word, ruwe tin. Hierdie ongeraffineerde blikkie word dan met stoom verontrust en deur hierdie proses word die devaluasies hierbo versamel en kan dit fisies verdryf word. Die blik wat tans gekoop word, is onveranderd tot 99,8%.

Due to the manufacturing process, there are no valuable side effects. Wasteful items contain sand, stone, and earth that are disposed of during the mining and smelting process. The slag released during the smelting and refining process contains arsenic, lead, and various toxic substances that are harmful to the earth. In any case, tin is not unsafe even for the earth.

Die gebruik van blik vir besigheidsdoeleindes neem toe en sal steeds toeneem. Aangesien materiale soos kadmium en lood skadelik en skadelik is, word gepoog om hierdie materiaal deur tin te vervang. Lood en blik is gebruik as pleisters vir die bevestiging. Daar word tans gepoog om hierdie mengsel te vervang deur blik en silwer. In skootpatrone word loodskote geleidelik vervang deur plaatmetaalskote. As gevolg hiervan vervang tin skadelik materiaal soos lood en grafiet geleidelik weens die positiewe natuurlike effekte

Die voorkoms van blik word 'n gevorderde element in die beheer van alle ekologiese besmetting en maak die aarde uiteindelik 'n voortreflike habitat.
