
Shtëpi / Lajme / Procesi i prodhimit të kanaçit

Procesi i prodhimit të kanaçit

2020-07-31 hqt

Kallaji është një përbërës i zakonshëm. Diçka për të cilën kallaji përdoret sa më shpesh të jetë e mundur janë mbajtësit e ushqimit. Deepshtë thellësisht i papërshkueshëm nga konsumimi dhe mund të mbulojë metale të ndryshme për arsye sigurie. Një lloj kallaji përdoret për të parandaluar kalbjen e dhëmbëve. Ky lloj kallaji quhet fluorur kallaji. Fluori i kallajit shtohet në pastën e dhëmbëve si një fiksim. Kallaji gjithashtu mund të kombinohet me objekte të ndryshme. Diçka në të cilën kallaji lidhet rregullisht është bakri - kallaji dhe bakri formojnë një lidhje të quajtur bronz.

Kallaji ka shumë përdorime të ndryshme dhe një histori të gjatë. Prodhimi i kallajit thuhet të jetë 3500 pes. Chr Zuri vend para kohe. Vendi ku përfundoi të bëhej kutia kryesore ishte Turqia.

Prodhimi i kallajit përfshin nxjerrjen e kallajit nga metali i tij, i cili është kasiteri. Disa materiale të ndryshëm përdoren gjatë procesit të prodhimit, të tilla si gur gëlqeror, silicë dhe kripë. Metali kasiterit shpëlahet i pari për të larguar substancën dhe zhvlerësimet fizike. Në këtë proces, metali kalon përmes një dhome vibrimi për të evakuuar vlerësimin fizik dhe të substancave. Pas kësaj, minerali përqendrohet gjithnjë e më shumë përmes zgjerimit të disa përbërjeve sintetike. Ndërsa minerali përqendrohet gjithnjë e më shumë, ai transportohet në majë të dhomës nga ku mblidhet.

Cassiterite is mined to make tin. This material is combined with various materials, such as carbon, silica, limestone, salt, and heating oil or coal. When tin is mined, tin is refined and processed. There is a method that is followed to make and process tin. The process relies on the source of the mined mineral.

tin can manufacturers


The initial phase of the tin manufacturing process is called mining. This is the place where tin can manufacturers find the stone and apply it using a floating excavation. Tin can manufacturers guide the stone through many screens that rotate and tables that tremble. This process is used to drive the tin out of the rock.

The subsequent progress is called the concentration of the mineral. The tin can manufacturers pass the metal through a few screens that dispose of some of the different materials. At this point, it is washed in a tank. Then they put the metal in a buoyancy tank and also contain some different particles so that the tin rises. At this point, they dry the metal and go through it again to evacuate more molecules.

After completing this process, the tin can manufacturers go through the can in a process called melting. You throw the can in a heater. There is either oil or coal in the heater. The can is heated until it turns into slag. At this point, the slag is placed in a subsequent heater. There is additional heating to expel contaminants from the connection.

There is then a final heating meeting to regain the can connected to iron. From this point on, the can is obtained through a series of heaters, where it is heated, steamed, and finally refined and bubbled.

Tin production and tin products

Tin production plants have become an important part of our way of life. We drink cold drinks, brew, and many different things that are bundled in tin cans. Tin cans have completely replaced glass bottles, and the tin business is making acceptable benefits. Global interest in tin cans is growing exponentially. In organizations, sports buildings, and discotheques, glass bottles are currently extremely unusual. Tin cans are light, versatile, and look a la fashion for individuals. Tin cans that are not similar to glass bottles do not break effectively and there is generally exceptional safety against injury.

The tin manufacturing process involves extracting tin from its combinations and refining it so that it tends to be used by the general population. The tin making process has no antagonistic natural reactions and produces the least waste. The best part of the process is that it doesn't produce any ecological poison. Tin production is likely to become increasingly well known, given the ongoing research to replace unsafe components such as lead and mercury in batteries, electronic devices, and other such items.

The manufacturing cost of a tin holder is low compared to various materials, which makes it mainstream in many companies. Even on a large scale, industrial tin holders use them to transport goods and liquids over long distances. In does not react with food or liquids, does not emit harmful substances, and is almost insensitive to water and heat, which is what makes a common selection of industrialists and end customers. The most commonly used in tin items are lunch boxes, bundles of cold drinks, pencil cases, and huge rifle scope holders.


At this point, the can is subjected to a process called melting. In this smelting process, the concentrated tin is mixed with carbon and heated in a heater to around 1400 degrees Celsius. During this healing process, limestone and silica are added to the mixture of tin and carbon. This is done to drive out further dirt present in the can.

At the end of the melting process, the tin acquired is rough tin. This unrefined can is then unsettled with steam and through this process, the devaluations above are collected and can be physically expelled. The tin currently purchased is unadulterated to 99.8%.

Due to the manufacturing process, there are no valuable side effects. Wasteful items contain sand, stone, and earth that are disposed of during the mining and smelting process. The slag released during the smelting and refining process contains arsenic, lead, and various toxic substances that are harmful to the earth. In any case, tin is not unsafe even for the earth.

The use of tin for business purposes is increasing and will continue to increase. Since materials such as cadmium and lead are harmful and harmful, attempts are being made to replace these materials with tin. Lead and tin were used as plasters for the fastening. Attempts are currently being made to replace this mixture with tin and silver as a bond. In shot cartridges, lead shots are gradually replaced by sheet metal shots. As a result, tin is gradually replacing harmful materials such as lead and graphite due to the positive natural effects

The appearance of tin becomes an advanced element in the control of all ecological contamination and ultimately makes the earth a superior habitat.
