
Tuis / Nuus / Sjokolade-blikboksvervaardigers: kreatiewe blikboks-herbruikbare idees

Sjokolade-blikboksvervaardigers: kreatiewe blikboks-herbruikbare idees

2020-08-03 hqt

Vervaardigers van sjokoladebakies: wonderlike idees vir blikblik vir upcycling

In die wêreld waar alles omgewingsvriendelik moet wees, is vervaardigers van sjokolade-blikkies floreer om te verseker dat hul blikkies herbruikbaar en herwinbaar is. Hierdie bokse is immers stewig en elegant om mee te begin.

Enige sjokoladeverkoper wil die verbruiker beïndruk en hom of haar uitlok om die aankoop te doen. Dit is slegs moontlik as die verbruiker onder die indruk is van die verpakking. As die verpakking herwinbaar is, voeg dit meer by tot die appèl.

Blik is 'n uitstekende herwinbare materiaal, maar die lug is die perk. As u pragtige sjokoladeblikkies of bokse daar lê, is dit tyd om dit na vore te bring. Ons gaan u idees gee om u ou blikkies op te fiets. Sodoende verbeter hulle die bruikbaarheid en effektiwiteit.

Laat ons dus begin sonder enige verdere vertraging!

Versiering van 'n sjokoladeboks

Hier is 'n paar van die mees betowerende idees oor die hergebruik en versiering van u blikkies.

Votive kerse met letters

There is no secret here that many DIY bloggers have been turning tin boxes into beautiful candles. However, this time, we took things to a whole new level. Instead of covering the tins with pretty decorative papers or paints, we are planning to punch some holes into them.

Make letters into the cans, so that when the candle glows inside it, the light is emitting from the marking. It would look beautiful, especially when you are using these candles for a special occasion. You can actually create different candles to spell out a word.

For instance, “Happy Birthday”. These candles would an excellent touch to your parties or birthdays.

chocolate tin box manufacturers

Burlap Covered Candle Holders

As u op soek is na iets wonderliks ​​om by u trou dekor in te voeg, gebruik dan blikblikke en verander dit in kershouers wat met jute bedek is. Ja, jy het ons reg gehoor. Dit sal bydra tot u algemene trou-dekor.

Dit is 'n uitstekende manier om die blikkies te herwin en omskep in iets lekkers. Die wonderlike ding is dat u regtig nie baie moeite hoef te doen nie. Voeg eenvoudig versiering by en draai 'n bietjie jute in. Plaas die kandelaar nou op die bankettafel.

Ons kan u verseker dat dit goed sal lyk!

Maak 'n bekoorlike krans met sjokoladeboks

Die bekoorlike krans lyk pragtig, dit verleen 'n estetiese gevoel aan u algemene dekor. As u slim genoeg is, kan u byna alles gebruik om dit te skep. As u egter blikkies gebruik, laat dit u pragtige krans uitstaan.

Gather all your cans, paint them a striking and eye-catching red. Once satisfied with the color scheme, you then have to arrange it into a simple, and attractive wreath for your fence. You can place it where ever you want, and we can assure you that it would look amazing.

chocolate tin box manufacturers IN CHINA

Wind Chimes

Wind Chimes never go out of fashion. It is always a delight to see and hear them hanging outside your door. You will be surprised to know that you can actually enjoy smart and pretty wind chimes made up of Tin cans, utensils, and beads.

Bring forwards your old, rusting tin boxes along with unused beads and utensils. Paint them using vibrant colors or colors that would go with your room’s interior. Attach a thread here and there, your wind chime is ready.

Simply hang it where ever you want, and let know be impressed by your art and creativity.

Silverware Holders

This is perhaps one of the most amazing ideas. It is not only pleasing to the eye but also extremely useful. Instead of shoving all your cutlery into your draws and finding it extremely difficult to get one when required.

Use these amazing tin boxes to come up with a stand that you hold all your cutlery in an organized way. See the picture below and you will have a clear idea of how to turn these unused tin boxes into something useful.

It seems that Chocolate Tin Box Manufacturers as well as other blikblik vervaardigers do keep reusability in mind when creating tin boxes.

Beautiful Chocolate Tin Box Roses

With the right kind of tools and skills, you can actually gift your loved one’s flowers that would never die. Use your old turn cans and turn them into beautiful roses. Once you have etched the flowers, it is time to paint them.

You can always go with vibrant red color. In case, you are looking for something more subtle, what about a peach, pink, or even a white rose. Unleash your creativity and come up with beautiful roses bunches to gift it away.

We can assure you that this would be a unique and cool gift for someone you truly like. After all, these roses are not only beautiful, but their colors would be a representation of your love for your beloved!

Small, yet easy working Grill

Instead of carrying big grills, let’s enjoy a portable one that you can make using an old tin box. Creating the grill is extremely easy. All you would have to do is cut down the sides of the tin can and then put some foil on top of it.

Next, you would need to put in some burning coal and a cooling rack. That’s it! Your portable and easy to cook grill is ready. Take it where ever you go and enjoy grilling your food.

Christmas Chocolate Tin Box Tree Ornaments

Decorating a Christmas tree has always been among the most fun and enjoyable movements of Christmas. One is always thriving to come up with some unique and effective ways to decorate the tree every year.

In case you had reached out to some Chocolate Tin Box Manufacturers last year for customized chocolate boxes, it is time to reuse them and turn them into Christmas ornaments. Paint them, embellish them and match them with your tree theme.

Lamps for Ambient Lighting

We have often seen these kinds of lamps in movies, but now you can have them just outside your house. This kind of idea is unique and creative. It is something different. The most interesting factor here is that you will be able to see inside the can.

This is something that most light fixtures lack. They are perfect for your garden or an outdoor party. The reason being, the candle flames inside these tin cans would reflect, thus producing an inviting and warm impact.

What more is that you can either have them in the same color or use different vibrant color for every lamp. Regardless, the coloring option you choose, the end result would be mesmerizing.

chocolate tin box manufacturers & sUPPLIERS

Use Tin Can for Apple Pie Making

If you want to serve your apple pie in a unique and out of box way, we suggest using your old tin boxes. Cut the tin boxes from the top, put all the ingredients, and bake it to enjoy your amazing pie. This surely is a different idea of serving the pie.

You can use it for your parties or home dinners. Impress people with your creativity. To take things to a new level, you can always decorate the cans. Thus, allowing them to stand out among all your other confectionaries.

 Fancy Pencil Holder

The 90’s kid might not see this as a different idea. Back then, we were always using old boxes and tins to create holders. However, modern kids would find it fascinating. Redecorate your tins cans, apply some beads, or pretty wrapping paper and turn them into stunning pencil holders.

It is for sure a fun project to customize. You can add sections, or just decorate the out rim. You can even leave the can as it is, with a small addition of a ribbon. In this case, nothing can actually go wrong.

So, let lose yourself and enjoy creating a beautiful pen and pencil holders. You can even thank the vervaardigers van sjokoladeboks for producing these beautiful tin boxes in the first place.
