
Casa / / Noticias / / mayor de cajas de hojalata China: Ideas de envases de hojalata 2020

mayor de cajas de hojalata China: Ideas de envases de hojalata 2020

2020-11-02 hqt

7 ideas innovadoras de empaque para fabricantes de cajas de hojalata al por mayor en China

Según una encuesta, el 70% de los clientes juzga una marca en función del empaque de sus productos. Esta es la razón por la que los fabricantes de cajas de hojalata al por mayor de China ahora están buscando ideas de empaque innovadoras para hacer que sus productos se destaquen entre la multitud.

Tin packaging offers a lot of benefits over other types of packaging. 40% of the customers will share the image of a product on social media if they find its packaging interesting. And tin packaging with their ability to be folded into any shape and size. And painted with any colour and design, do not only preserve your product. But also help market them on the internet.

Wholesale Tin Boxes Manufacturers China

China is among the world’s largest packaging markets. Experts have predicted the Chinese packaging industry to hit a compound annual growth rate of 13.5 % during the period 2020-2025. The reason for this growth in the Chinese packaging industry could be the boom in e-commerce.

The Chinese packaging industry offers a wide range of, from plastic packaging to paper and tin boxes packaging. With the turn of packaging options the century, people have started focusing on the environment and are looking for sustainable alternatives to the conventional, harmful materials. This is where tin packaging gets distinct.

Being less harmful than other packaging alternatives, many climate-conscious customers prefer tin packaging.

Tin Boxes Manufacturing Market in China

China is among the world’s largest producer of tin. And it has been in this position for quite some time now. China also stands among the top five refined tin producers in the world. The reason for such massive production of tin is due to the presence of tin deposits in the country.

In 2013, china accounted for 44.7% of global tin consumption. This is also one of the reasons why china refines tin on such a large scale. Regions rich in tin deposits are the centre of Tin production in china. These regions include the provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, Hunan, and Jiangxi.

The Process of Tin Boxes Manufacturing.

Utilization of tin for packaging dates back to the 18th century. However, the process of producing tin boxes has developed immensely overtime. Today, wholesale tin boxes manufacturers China are capable of producing millions of tin boxes in just a day.

These tin boxes are made out of tin-plated metallic sheets, mostly steel. These metallic sheets are cut into desired size and then folded to form the desired shape of the packaging. The tin boxes from here can be painted on to give the desired graphics and then used.

Reasons for Boom in Business for Wholesale Tin Boxes Manufacturers China

Tin boxes offer a wide range of advantages over other conventional packaging options, such as plastics. The first and foremost benefit that tin boxes have to offer is their ability to preserve food for longer period of time. This is actually the purpose of inventing the tin-plated packaging in the first place.

La mayoría de los contenedores metálicos se erosionan cuando los productos comestibles se almacenan en ellos durante mucho tiempo. Esta erosión contamina los comestibles, por lo que no son aptos para su uso. Contrariamente a esto, los envases de hojalata son capaces de almacenar alimentos durante más tiempo debido a su resistencia a la erosión en condiciones duras y húmedas.

Las cajas de hojalata son fuertes y resistentes. Se pueden sellar herméticamente para permitir una atmósfera inerte que pueda conservar los alimentos. Además, no pueden romperse fácilmente al caer o golpear una superficie dura, a diferencia de los vidrios.

Además, debido a su facilidad de reciclaje y reutilización, los envases de hojalata proporcionan una alternativa sostenible a los envases de plástico y contribuyen menos a la contaminación ambiental.

With the race for saving our planet from plastic induced disaster picking up speed, more and more packaging wholesalers are looking into environmental-friendly options for packaging. And in this case, tin packing seems like the best fit to satisfy the customers’ need of contributing less to plastic pollution.

Another aspect of tin packaging that interests wholesale tin boxes manufacturers china is their ability to not only preserve edibles and their reusability, but the fact that they can also double as marketing props for the brand.

Tin boxes are easy to customize. They accept all colors, fonts and all sorts of graphics making them eye-catching for the customers and a great marketing source for the brands.

wholesale tin boxes manufacturers china

Applications of Tin Boxes

Tin boxes find widespread use in food and drinks industry. From packaged ready-to-eat food to cold drink cans, all are mostly made of tin-plated metals. Tin boxes are also widely used for storing biscuits because they keep them fresh for longer. And for storing tea, because of their ability to preserve the fragrance of the tea.

Not only in the food and beverage industry, tin packaging also finds great use in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. And not to forget their use in the paint industry.

Tin Packaging Ideas for Tin Boxes Manufacturers China in 2020

With the turn of the decade, customers have started looking for innovation in everything. Whether it’s a product or its packaging, people want something new. And packaging being the first thing that a customer interacts with, can play a vital role in making or breaking a brand.

With packaging holding a high rank in marketing of a product, it is important for wholesale tin boxes manufacturers China to look into new and innovative ideas for tin packaging to attract more customers.

Here are some interesting packaging ideas that, if implemented, will keep your brand up with the latest packaging trends and will surely attract more customers.

1. A Packaging that Connects

In this day and age, packaging is not just about storing a product. But it is about building a connection between your potential customers and your brand.

The best way to earn loyal customers is to have them see how a brand shares their moral values. And there is no better way to do this then to put it out on your packaging.

Thus, Tin boxes can be a good medium to convey the brand’s message to the customer and easily connect with them

2. Incorporate Engaging Colors to Attract More Customers.

Colors hold great importance when it comes to Chinese customers. Every color holds a different meaning. Hence for 2020, tin boxes manufacturers china might want look into painting their packaging in striking colors, like red that symbolizes luck, success and opulence to attract customers’ attention and hold it.

Soft tones and earthy hues convey a message of peace and calmness. Wholesale tin boxes manufacturers China can paint their boxes in soft, earthy colors to keep up with this year’s packaging trends.

3. Typography

Typography holds great importance when it comes to product packaging. A well-laid out, properly structured typography sits well with the customers and gives your packaging a balanced feel. Succinct typography on the packaging also propagates a bona fide image of the brand.

Therefore, its best if wholesale tin boxes manufacturers China look into the idea of having minimal yet effective and balanced typography on their packaging. This would help there packaging to stand out from the crowd

4. Customized Shape

One of the major upsides of tin boxes is their ability to be folded into any shape and size. Wholesale tin boxes manufacturers china may cash in on this aspect of their tin boxes and attract more customers by customizing their packaging with respect to their products.

For example, a tea container made in the shape of a tea kettle to give it a nice aesthetic look. In this case, the tin box will not only serve as a container for the tea, but will also become a show-piece for the customers, thus marketing the tea brand.

wholesale tin boxes manufacturers china 2020

5. Packaging that is environmentally viable

With climate-saving campaigns picking up pace, consumers now look for packaging that is friendly to the environment. In this aspect tin boxes are the best candidates as they eliminated the use of perilous plastics.

Furthermore, tin boxes are also reusable and there are a wide range of ideas to upcycle used tin boxes and contribute less to littering the planet.

Los fabricantes de cajas de hojalata al por mayor de China pueden comercializar este respeto al medio ambiente de sus empaques en las cajas y popularizar sus empaques de manera fácil y efectiva entre los consumidores.

6.  El enfoque de "menos es más"

En la actualidad, los consumidores se sienten atraídos por los envases que utilizan el enfoque de “menos es más” y transmiten el mensaje de las marcas de forma concisa pero eficaz.

En algunos casos, con algo de creatividad, los fabricantes de cajas de hojalata al por mayor de China pueden prosperar con la idea de empaque mínimo personalizando la forma de tal manera que la tipografía mínima combinada con la forma del empaque pueda llevar efectivamente la información sobre el producto.

7.  Coherencia en el diseño

Wholesale tin boxes manufacturers china might want to make sure that the packaging of their tin boxes is consistent in design as most customers first recognize a product by their packaging design.

Any spontaneous changes in packaging design might blur the product in sea of its counterparts and the brand might lose its customers.

Final Word

Wholesale tin boxes manufacturers China, Tin-Packaging,  compete in a thriving market. Tin packaging is a flourishing industry and owing to the multiple merits that it has over other packaging options, tin packaging industry is expected to grow rapidly over the next few years.

Packaging plays a vital role in building a brand. This is why it might be advantageous for the wholesale tin boxes manufacturers China to keep incorporating newer packaging ideas in their tin boxes to keep up with the global vogue.

To get amazing tin packaging ideas, Contact Us Today.
