Tin tức

Trang Chủ / Tin tức / Nhà sản xuất hộp thiếc Bespoke: Quy trình đóng hộp chất lượng cao

Nhà sản xuất hộp thiếc Bespoke: Quy trình đóng hộp chất lượng cao

2020-02-16 giờ

Nhà sản xuất hộp thiếc Bespoke: Hướng dẫn từng bước


Bespoke Nhà sản xuất hộp thiếc có thể đã trở nên phổ biến trong thời gian gần đây, nhưng hộp thiếc đã được sử dụng lâu đời. Bạn có thể đã bắt gặp chúng ngay cả khi còn nhỏ dưới dạng đồ hộp, hộp đựng bánh quy, đồ hộp và nhiều thứ khác nữa.

Tin containers have endless applications in our daily lives. Starting from machinery to packing foods, you will find the aspect of your life. In general, tin containers are basically a steel sheet that has a coating of a thin layer. The sheet after the coating is known as the tinplate.

Tinplating holds great importance in a number of industries including the packaging industry, telecommunications, electronics, jewelry manufacturing, and aerospace among others.  Each industry enjoys the endless benefits of tin. To, fully comprehend the importance of tin; you need to have a basic understanding of its process.

In the course of this article, we are going to talk about the basic tinplate processing in detail. So, without any further delay, let us get to the point.


Table of content

  • Importance of Tinning
  • Basic Tin Plating Process: The Breakdown
  • Cung cấp bao bì thiếc Lợi ích vô tận


Importance of Tinning


Tin is a popular choice for electroplating. The reason being, it is extremely cost-effective. The tinning process would cost you way less in comparison to any other thing. The easy access, availability and ability to reshape make it less expensive in comparison to other pricier metals including palladium, platinum, or gold.

Another advantage of tin is that it offers superior protection against corrosion. Its solder ability factor makes it the first choice of any manufacturer. With tin plating, you can effortlessly enjoy a dull or a matte appearance as it can produce a whitish-gray color.

In case you are looking for a more luster look, you can enjoy its ability to come up with a shiny, metallic look. In addition to being FDA approved for the food industry, tin plating is also extremely useful for the manufacturing of several electro components.




Basic Tin Plating Process: The Breakdown


Tin Platting processes have three main variations. However, the basis of every variation remains the same. Each type involves a surface of a metal object and the deposition of the electrolytic tin solution on it.

Below, we have briefly introduced these three main types.


Barrel Plating


If you are looking for plating smaller and refined parts, barrel plating is the best choice. It uses specially constructed vessel and placing of the objects in this vessel. Commonly people refer to the vessel as the barrel.

When the barrel is engrossed in the electrolytic plating solution, it tends to rotate at a slow pace. Even though it takes a lot of time to complete the plating, yet it is extremely cost-effective. This is perhaps the major reason why industries tend to use this technique a lot.


Rack Plating


In comparison to barrel plating, the industry uses rack plating when they are planning to do tin plating on larger parts. Since the technique is robust and effective, thus it is popular for bigger items.

The technique is different from the barrel plating. In rack plating, you will hang the objects on a rack and then engross them in the plating solution. Rack plating is more expensive in comparison to barrel plating. However, it offers greater control. It is possible to achieve the desired plating thickness and reach out to cavities deep in the item.


Vibratory Plating


Vibratory plating is another technique that the industry uses for delicate parts. It includes a basket having a metal button along with the electrolytic plating solution. You will have to place the objects into the basket.

A generator is responsible for making the parts to encounter the metal buttons by producing vibration actions. Vibratory plating can handle delicate parts, but it is the most expensive form of plating. In addition, you will need a special type of drying process. If you are not careful during the drying process, the parts might just bend.


Elements of the Tin Plating Process


Experienced Bespoke tin box manufacturer can electrodeposit tin on almost all forms of metal. Several components contribute towards an effective tin-plating process.  Here, we are going to talk about the important components in detail.




Việc đầu tiên diễn ra trong quá trình mạ thiếc là làm sạch bề mặt nền. Tự hỏi chất nền là gì. Đó là phần sẽ nhận được lớp phủ thiếc. Sau khi làm sạch, bề mặt không có bất kỳ chất bẩn bề mặt nào bao gồm dầu mỡ, v.v.

Một điều quan trọng cần nhớ là các vật liệu khác nhau có quy trình làm sạch khác nhau. Tương tự như vậy, bạn sẽ cần các thiết bị làm sạch khác nhau để loại bỏ các mảnh vụn và bụi bẩn từ các chất nền khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, dưới đây chúng tôi sẽ đưa ra các bước làm sạch cơ bản. Các bước này là một phần của hầu hết các loại làm sạch bề mặt


Grit Blasting: To remove unwanted matter from the surface, you can use grit blasting. In order to project media, you will use pressurized air. Project media includes corncob, steel, walnut shells, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, and crushed glass.


Boiling: If you plan to avoid usual chemical additives, then boiling is an excellent choice to remove oil and grease from the substrate in an effective and efficient manner.


Electrolytic Degreasing: This is an effective technique to remove debris, oil, grease and any other form of contamination from areas that are hard to reach. Putting the material into an electrolytic solution would remove everything swiftly.


Rinsing: To ensure that nothing remains on the surface of the substrate, rinse it with water after immersing it into the electrolytic solution.


Plating Bath Preparation


After the cleaning step, the next in line is plating bath preparation. Formally, we call it the preparation of the electrolytic solution. This is an important step, thus it requires proper attention. The solution can comprise several things of including methyl sulphonic acid, alkaline tin, and acid tin solutions.

To ensure the suspension of positively charged ions into the solution, you will have to dissolve the tin along with other chemical additives into the plating bath. During the elector deposition, the bath acts as a great conductor.

Since acid baths offer a high deposition rate, therefore they are more popular in comparison to other bath types. The only downfall of acid bath is its inability to reach holes or providing a proper coating to surface with irregularities.


Electrodeposition Process


After successfully completing the first two steps, cleaning and electrolyte bathing, the next step Electrodeposition of tin coating in an effective manner. A specially designed tank contains the object. To ensure a high-quality coating, you will have to place the object in the middle of the tank.

You will have to pace the object in the center because it acts as the electrical circuit’s negatively charged electrode. You will place the positively charged electrodes, anodes, near the edge of the plating tank. After the position, it is time to introduce the current into the plating bath.

You will have to go with a low-voltage DC current. Since AC current is readily available, thus you will have to convert it in DC current via a rectifier. The electrical current will force the positively charged ions to flow through the negatively charged substrate.


Post Electro Plating Procedure


Bespoke tin box manufacturers do not consider this step a necessity. They would use Passivation to provide additional carrion protection to the tin. They use Passivation for enhancing the tin’s reactive properties as well. Likewise, to ensure the robustness of the metal and prevent hydrogen embrittlement, some manufacturers use heat treatment.


Tin Plating Issues

Below, we have listed the most common tin plating issues.


Tin Whiskers


Các cục nhỏ và sắc bắt đầu xuất hiện trên bề mặt các đồ vật được mạ thiếc. Những sợi râu này tồn tại rất lâu sau khi quá trình mạ kết thúc. Mặc dù những sợi kim loại này không thể nhìn thấy bằng mắt thường, nhưng chúng có thể dẫn đến một số hư hỏng nghiêm trọng cho sản phẩm cuối cùng.


Không thể đạt được độ dày đồng nhất


Đôi khi các nhà sản xuất không thể lắng thiếc đồng nhất trên bề mặt. Một số yếu tố dẫn đến vấn đề này bao gồm hình dạng độc đáo và khó khăn, thiếu trang thiết bị hiện đại, v.v.


Khả năng hàn dễ hư hỏng


Không thể phủ nhận rằng kim loại mạ thiếc có khả năng hàn vượt trội, nhưng có vẻ như theo thời gian khả năng này sẽ giảm dần. Tuy nhiên, nếu sản phẩm có quy cách cặn phù hợp, bao bì thích hợp và chuẩn bị chất nền thích hợp, thành phần này sẽ tồn tại lâu dài.


Mạ hợp kim thiếc


Co-depositing is an excellent way to enhance tin plating with other metals. Here are some common tin alloys

Tin-copper: If you want to improve the strength of the coating, then tin-copper is an excellent choice. However, do bear in mind that tin-copper results in brittle. It tends to promote the development of tin whiskers and lead to soldering applications insufficient wetting.


Tin-lead: It is excellent for preventing tin whiskers and it produces a ductile and soft finish. It also offers excellent solderability and provides corrosion resistance.


Tin-Sliver:  It is excellent for maximizing the service temperatures and improving mechanical strength. However, it is extremely expensive due to the silver component.


Đồng Chì-Thiếc: Các nhà sản xuất sử dụng sự kết hợp này để tăng cường khả năng mài mòn ma sát của sản phẩm.


Thiếc-bismuth: Nó hoàn hảo để hạn chế sự hình thành râu và nó mang lại khả năng thấm ướt tốt. Hợp kim là một lựa chọn tốt cho các đối tượng mạ ở nhiệt độ thấp. Một điều bạn cần lưu ý là hợp kim này có thể không phải là một lựa chọn tốt cho những vật có chứa chì. Nó cũng không thích hợp cho quá trình mạ ở nhiệt độ cao ở nhiệt độ nóng chảy thấp.


Kẽm thiếc: Mặc dù có độ bền mỏi vượt trội và nhiệt độ nóng chảy cao, nhưng nó không bảo vệ chống lại sự ăn mòn và có tính thấm ướt cực kỳ kém.


Cung cấp bao bì thiếc Lợi ích vô tận


It is imperative to reach out to experienced Bespoke tin box manufacturer such as Tin-packaging. An experienced manufacturer will be able to comprehend your need for customized tin boxes. They would understand how important the packaging is for an item.

Bespoke tin box manufacturer has been in the business for years now to offer only the best at an affordable price. They incorporate the latest trends and technology to generate something unique and creative. The company is famous for coming up with out of the box design and patterns.

To ensure a long-lasting relationship with the consumers, they deliver only the best. Their tin containers are of the finest quality. They use the finest tinning and printing technique. You will never see a problem with their containers.

To, further enhance their appeal they have the best people on board. These people are considered epitome among their respective fields. They also have an excellent and responsive customer care service.

After all their objective is not only to deliver high-quality content but also to develop a trusting and lasting relationship. You can reach out to Tin-Packaging and they will provide you guidance in every possible way. They will help you choose a box that will suit your needs to perfection.

Their reliable and experienced staff would suggest printing technique, shape and quality according to your product’s requirement. Lastly, they would ensure that you get the best within your desired budget. Bespoke tin box manufacturer would never overcharge you for anything. It is highly less likely that a competitor is able to meet their prices.




Read About:  cookies tin box manufacturers


Tóm lược


Bespoke tin box manufacturer believes that tinning is a complicated process, but it offers endless benefits. Tinning holds great importance in several industries including the food packaging, aerospace electronics, and many others.

Since tinning is important therefore it needs to be done carefully. The manufacturer needs to have the right equipment, the right technology to avoid the common tinning issues such as whisking. After all, when developing of whisker not only affects the life span of the object.

For a company as good as Bespoke tin box manufacturer, these kinds of issues are simply not allowed. After all, the company needs to live up to its name and produce only the highest quality tin packaging.

Bạn có thể liên hệ với công ty bất cứ lúc nào trong ngày. Nhân viên của họ sẽ liên hệ lại với bạn trong thời gian sớm nhất.

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