
Shtëpi / Lajme / Si siguron me shumicë ushqimet e kallajit me porosi?

Si siguron me shumicë ushqimet e kallajit me porosi?

2020-09-08 hqt

cilat janë llojet kryesore dhe zbatimet e tyre?

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Kuti prej kallaji me porosi Paketimi i ushqimit me shumicë:

Për të zhvilluar modelin ideal të paketimit të ushqimit, është thelbësore të kuptohen variablat e këtij lloji të projektit. Zgjedhja e materialit, destinacioni i tij, dimensionet dhe funksionalitetet e aplikuara janë faktorë që duhet të merren parasysh. Idetë më të mira mund t'i merrni nga çdo me shumicë e kutive prej kallaji company.

Secili lloj i ushqimit ka nevoja specifike në lidhje me ruajtjen, konservimin dhe transportin e tij. Prandaj, duhet të jeni të vetëdijshëm për modelet dhe materialet e ndryshme të disponueshme në treg.

Nëse ndonjëherë keni menduar se cila është paketimi më i mirë për biznesin tuaj, atëherë lexoni këtë postim deri në fund!

Aspekti i qëndrueshëm i paketimit të kutive prej kallaji

The current me shumicë market increasingly seeks sustainable alternatives and the possibility to recycle and reuse resources. Packaging production also adopts this aspect and seeks to develop container solutions for the conservation and transport of food.

In this way, both managers and consumers are committed to expanding initiatives that contribute to environmental preservation. This type of solution can be implemented by:

  1. Micro
  2. small and
  3. medium enterprises

They operate in the food sector. This is a way of adding value and strengthening the relationship with customers.

The main food packaging: custom tin boxes wholesale

Ensuring food conservation is one of the main challenges for me shumicë companies operating in the food segment. This reality is even more apparent in restaurants and fast-food restaurants. Especially which deal with the delivery of meals and offer the grab and go option.

1. Glass packaging

Glass is one of the oldest materials registered in the packaging segment. It was quite common, for example, that the old warehouses put grains such as:

  • Beans
  • rice,
  • corn
  • lentils,
  • among others, in small glasses.

The choice of this material to pack food, something that lasts until today, is due to its durability and resistance. With this, it is possible to keep food well isolated from the air and other external elements. It could oxidize or damage the product for consumption.

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To know more about specific precautions, you may ask custom tin boxes wholesale supplier. 

How to prevent odour from custom tin boxes?

The glass is completely impermeable, so that, if well sealed, the packaging with this type of material can have a great capacity for conservation, preventing odors or the humidity of the environment from affecting the conservation of food.

The fact that it is fully recyclable makes the glasses also a sustainable option for companies that, in some cases, may even request the return of the packaging after using the product. This practice is quite common among beverage manufacturers and distributors.

In addition, consumers themselves can reuse glass packaging. It is widely used for other purposes, such as handicrafts. Always remember the reusing custom tin boxes mainly depends on the type of me shumicë e kutive prej kallaji you choose.

For delivery, glass is not practical. Because it is a heavy and fragile material, the glass does not work well for delivery packaging.

2. Aluminum packaging: custom tin boxes wholesale

Due to their properties, they are very light and durable. Aluminum packaging is used to pack food that needs to be transported over long distances. Moreover, that are on display on supermarket shelves for long periods.

Aluminum is the most suitable option for packaging perishable products for custom tin boxes wholesale. It may be sensitive to light, such as vegetable oils and tomato sauce. In addition, its wide use ranges from:

  • soda cans
  • industrialized juices and
  • other drinks, to canned foods.

Following this example, the foods that are traditionally packaged in aluminum containers are cans of :

  • corn
  • peas and

Among the main advantages of this feature, we can mention:

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  • durability
  • malleability
  • resistance to oxidation
  • the recyclable components and
  • the ability to keep food fresh.

Important custom tin boxes wholesale instructions

Kuti prej kallaji me porosi me shumicë practicality must also be taken into account when making an aluminum packaging. Avoid, for example, that they need to be opened with a can opener, as the final consumer may not always have this tool available. The ideal is that they have a seal, thus facilitating the opening.

For food delivery packaging, aluminum does not have many advantages. Because it is a very malleable material, leaks are inevitable. Another negative point is that the impression of the visual identity of the brand is impaired, since aluminum does not allow printing.

The impact on health

It is worth mentioning that, although they are resistant, measures must be applied to avoid their exposure to impacts. Either during storage or during transportation. A crushed can represents a health risk. If you contact a professional me shumicë e kutive prej kallaji company, you may not face these issues.

As the contents can be contaminated and deteriorate in contact with the external environment.

It is recommended that cans that are crushed, scratched or even punctured are discarded so that they do not reach the shelves for sale. This care extends to chemicals that are packaged in this type of wrapper. Such as:

  1. aerosols and
  2. other flammable materials.
  3. Styrofoam packaging

It is not very common to see Styrofoam packaging in the products we find in supermarkets. But they are widely used in industry, especially for storing and transporting fresh food, such as fish or frozen pasta. They are also quite common in food delivery me shumicë.

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Another negative point is that Styrofoam packaging is not viable in terms of marketing. This is because impressions with the brand's logo and visual identity are impaired in the Styrofoam.

Taking into account that there are already paper options on the market. It allows extensive customization, in addition to other features, it is worth rethinking the use of packaging.

Custom tin boxes wholesale conclusion

Një nga avantazhet kryesore që me shumicë për industritë është fakti që nuk zë shumë hapësirë. Kur çmontohet dhe mund të ruhet në formën e pllakave.

Kur është mbledhur tashmë dhe me ushqimin e ruajtur, ai është plotësisht i izoluar. Kjo e bën të pamundur që çdo lloj ere ose arome nga ambienti të hyjë në ushqim. Përveç kësaj, disa lloje të ushqimit, të tilla si qumështi dhe lëngjet, nuk kanë nevojë të futen në frigorifer.
